How well Women's Kimonos & Yukatas sell on Poshmark

Women's Kimonos & Yukatas on Poshmark generated $17,010 in revenue with 498 items sold, an average price of $34.16, and took 101.69 days to sell.

Table of Contents

Key Statistics for Women's Kimonos & Yukatas

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #68
  • Total Revenue: $17010.0
  • Items Sold: 498
  • Average Sale Price: $34.16
  • Unique Sellers: 406
  • Average Sales Per Day: 16.06
  • Average Days to Sell: 101.69 days

Overview of Women's Kimonos & Yukatas

The Women's Kimonos & Yukatas category on Poshmark generated $17,010 in revenue with 498 items sold at an average price of $34.16. It involved 406 unique sellers and had an average sales per day rate of 16.06. Items took an average of 101.69 days to sell.

Market Position of Women's Kimonos & Yukatas

This category is ranked #68 in revenue, showing it is not a top-performing category but holds a mid-tier position. The average sale price of $34.16 is slightly below the overall marketplace average of $39.74 but still above the median sale price of $23, indicating that Kimonos & Yukatas are priced reasonably compared to the broader market.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
65 Kids Swim $40197 2461 $16 1980 173 days
66 Electronics Portable Audio & Video $28399 464 $61 415 112 days
67 Home Games $24598 1040 $24 822 108 days
68 Women's Kimonos & Yukatas $17010 498 $34 406 102 days
69 Men's Grooming $16792 480 $35 358 181 days
70 Electronics Media $14770 544 $27 404 115 days
71 Electronics VR, AR & Accessories $10456 65 $161 64 89 days

Sales Performance of Women's Kimonos & Yukatas

The category's average sale price of $34.16 is competitive, though slightly lower than the marketplace average of $39.74. However, the average days to sell is significantly faster at 101.69 days compared to the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours (84.22 days), suggesting better liquidity. The revenue per item is lower than the average, but the volume of items sold (498) shows consistent demand. The number of unique sellers (406) suggests a saturated market with many individual sellers participating.

Top Brands in Women's Kimonos & Yukatas on Poshmark

  1. Free People - Revenue: $4639.00
  2. Johnny Was - Revenue: $1588.00
  3. torrid - Revenue: $1135.00

Top Sellers in Women's Kimonos & Yukatas on Poshmark

Here are the top-performing sellers in Women's Kimonos & Yukatas:

  1. apollinairefash - Revenue: $1599.00
  2. caligirl10skin - Revenue: $453.00
  3. rikostyles - Revenue: $382.00

Recommendation 👌

The category has consistent sales volume, but the average sale price is below the marketplace average, and the time to sell is longer than the overall average. While there is demand, the price point and competition make it a moderately performing category.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on improving product listings and pricing strategies to push sales closer to or above the marketplace average. Engaging in promotional activities (e.g., bundling or discounts) could help move inventory faster. Additionally, sellers should consider improving product photography and descriptions to differentiate their listings in a crowded market.

Categories related to Women's Kimonos & Yukatas

  1. Women's Bags - Revenue: $12488695
  2. Women's Shoes - Revenue: $12051060
  3. Women's Dresses - Revenue: $9969351
  4. Women's Tops - Revenue: $5944635
  5. Women's Jackets & Coats - Revenue: $4201917
  6. Women's Pants & Jumpsuits - Revenue: $4190020
  7. Women's Jewelry - Revenue: $3162728
  8. Women's Accessories - Revenue: $3016660
  9. Women's Sweaters - Revenue: $2886084
  10. Women's Jeans - Revenue: $2826171
  11. Women's Skirts - Revenue: $1438614
  12. Women's Intimates & Sleepwear - Revenue: $1421752
  13. Women's Shorts - Revenue: $1329719
  14. Women's Swim - Revenue: $1054417
  15. Women's Other - Revenue: $726281
  16. Women's Makeup - Revenue: $563386
  17. Women's Skincare - Revenue: $314922
  18. Women's Hair - Revenue: $196733
  19. Women's Bath & Body - Revenue: $139864
  20. Women's Kimonos & Yukatas - Revenue: $17010

Top Subcategories in Women's Kimonos & Yukatas

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