How well Free People sells on Poshmark

Free People on Poshmark: $917,834 revenue, 22,979 items sold, avg price $39.94, 13,590 sellers, avg days to sell 18.7.

Key Statistics for Free People

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #6
  • Total Revenue: $917834
  • Items Sold: 22979
  • Average Sale Price: $40
  • Unique Sellers: 13590
  • Average Sales Per Day: 741
  • Average Days to Sell: 19 days

Overview of Free People

Free People generated $917,834 in revenue last month, with 22,979 items sold at an average price of $39.94. The brand had 13,590 unique sellers and an average sales per day of 741.26. It took an average of 18.7 days to sell an item, ranking 6th overall.

Market Position of Free People

Free People outperformed the average revenue per sale ($39.94 vs $39.74) and had a much shorter average time to sell (449 hours vs 2021.17 hours). The median sale price for all brands was significantly lower at $23, indicating Free People items are priced higher.

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
3 Chanel $1988036 5162 $385 3453 45 days
4 Lululemon Athletica $1353703 39423 $34 20401 16 days
5 Nike $1069782 41246 $26 26428 26 days
6 Free People $917834 22979 $40 13590 19 days
7 Anthropologie $744823 19772 $38 11511 42 days
8 J. Crew $727306 24576 $30 14945 43 days
9 Tory Burch $725835 10871 $67 8098 33 days

Sales Performance of Free People

Free People's average price of $39.94 is above the marketplace average of $39.74, indicating a strong brand value. The total revenue of $917,834 and 22,979 items sold show robust demand. An average of 741.26 sales per day highlights consistent performance. The average days to sell (18.7 days) is significantly lower than the marketplace average (2021.17 hours), suggesting quicker turnover.

Top Sellers of Free People on Poshmark

Top sellers—apollinairefash, krystalrose619, and kyleenicolee—contributed significantly with $6,962, $5,944, and $5,872 respectively. Their high sales figures suggest these sellers have effective strategies for listing and marketing Free People products.

Top Sellers List

  1. apollinairefash - Revenue: $6962.00
  2. krystalrose619 - Revenue: $5944.00
  3. kyleenicolee - Revenue: $5872.00

Recommendation 👍

Free People outperforms in average price and speed of sale, indicating strong brand demand and efficient market performance.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should consider stocking more Free People items, focus on competitive pricing strategies around the $39-$40 range, and leverage quick turnover by optimizing listing quality and responsiveness to buyer inquiries.

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  • Items Sold: 19772
  • Avg Price: $38
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J. Crew

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  • Items Sold: 24576
  • Avg Price: $30
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  • Items Sold: 7299
  • Avg Price: $324
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  • Items Sold: 9368
  • Avg Price: $226
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  • Items Sold: 5162
  • Avg Price: $385
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