How well Women's Bath & Body sells on Poshmark

Women's Bath & Body on Poshmark saw $139,864 revenue with 5,626 items sold, performing below marketplace averages in revenue per sale.

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Key Statistics for Women's Bath & Body

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #43
  • Total Revenue: $139864.0
  • Items Sold: 5626
  • Average Sale Price: $24.86
  • Unique Sellers: 3176
  • Average Sales Per Day: 181.48
  • Average Days to Sell: 162.23 days

Overview of Women's Bath & Body

Women's Bath & Body generated $139,864 in revenue from 5,626 items sold, with an average sale price of $24.86. The category ranks #43 in revenue among all categories.

Market Position of Women's Bath & Body

The category's average revenue per sale ($24.86) is significantly lower than the overall marketplace average of $39.74. Despite this, the median sale price ($23) is closely aligned with the platform-wide figure, suggesting competitive pricing but lower sales volume per transaction compared to other categories.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
40 Home Holiday $168778 5785 $29 3406 142 days
41 Kids Pajamas $150489 8545 $18 5094 70 days
42 Kids Matching Sets $145279 7354 $20 4880 115 days
43 Women's Bath & Body $139864 5626 $25 3176 162 days
44 Men's Other $127949 3185 $40 2481 97 days
45 Electronics Cameras, Photo & Video $122950 1209 $102 1050 64 days
46 Kids One Pieces $118813 7147 $17 4223 102 days

Sales Performance of Women's Bath & Body

The category sold 181.48 items per day on average, with a relatively long sell-through cycle of 162.23 days (faster than the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours or 84.22 days). This indicates moderate demand but slower turnover compared to other categories, possibly due to the nature of the products or buyer habits.

Top Brands in Women's Bath & Body on Poshmark

  1. Bath & Body Works - Revenue: $15585.00
  2. Victoria's Secret - Revenue: $7436.00
  3. Jo Malone - Revenue: $5776.00

Top Sellers in Women's Bath & Body on Poshmark

Here are the top-performing sellers in Women's Bath & Body:

  1. ecosmetics - Revenue: $4334.00
  2. beautyharvest - Revenue: $2188.00
  3. 100daysofbeauty - Revenue: $1503.00

Recommendation 👌

While the category shows steady sales and aligns with the platform's median pricing, it underperforms in revenue per sale and has a lengthy sales cycle. The market position is average, and sellers may need to make adjustments to improve profitability.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on bundling products to increase average order value, enhance product descriptions and photos to reduce the time to sell, and consider promotions or discounts to stimulate faster sales.

Categories related to Women's Bath & Body

  1. Women's Bags - Revenue: $12488695
  2. Women's Shoes - Revenue: $12051060
  3. Women's Dresses - Revenue: $9969351
  4. Women's Tops - Revenue: $5944635
  5. Women's Jackets & Coats - Revenue: $4201917
  6. Women's Pants & Jumpsuits - Revenue: $4190020
  7. Women's Jewelry - Revenue: $3162728
  8. Women's Accessories - Revenue: $3016660
  9. Women's Sweaters - Revenue: $2886084
  10. Women's Jeans - Revenue: $2826171
  11. Women's Skirts - Revenue: $1438614
  12. Women's Intimates & Sleepwear - Revenue: $1421752
  13. Women's Shorts - Revenue: $1329719
  14. Women's Swim - Revenue: $1054417
  15. Women's Other - Revenue: $726281
  16. Women's Makeup - Revenue: $563386
  17. Women's Skincare - Revenue: $314922
  18. Women's Hair - Revenue: $196733
  19. Women's Bath & Body - Revenue: $139864
  20. Women's Kimonos & Yukatas - Revenue: $17010

Top Subcategories in Women's Bath & Body

  1. Women's Moisturizer & Body Oil Bath & Body - Revenue: $27157
  2. Women's Body Wash Bath & Body - Revenue: $12055
  3. Women's Hand & Foot Care Bath & Body - Revenue: $5744
See all categories
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