Share Fresh Closets

Share fresh closets on Poshmark.

Closet Tools gives users the ability to do something that’s only restricted to the Poshmark mobile app: Sharing fresh closets.

Until now, there was no way to reliably find new closets on Poshmark’s website. There’s no page that exists on the website that lists new closets.

Closet Tools has the ability to use the same list as the Poshmark App for their “fresh closets” page, and can automatically share items from hundreds of fresh closets quickly.


  1. On any page on Poshmark’s website where Closet Tools pops up, in Closet Tools, head over to the ⚡️ tab.

  2. Click the “Share Fresh Closets” button.

  3. Enter the number of closets you want to share, and how many items you want to share from each.

  4. Click the “Share Fresh Closets” button.

Closet Tools should now begin sharing fresh closets in the background.


  • You can change the speed of the follow button at the bottom of the 🔁 tab.
  • You can also pause the following by clicking the “Share Fresh Closets” button again.