How well Kids Shirts & Tops sell on Poshmark

Kids Shirts & Tops on Poshmark: $434K revenue, 28K items sold, avg price $15.37, 87.3 days to sell, ranked #27.

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Key Statistics for Kids Shirts & Tops

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #27
  • Total Revenue: $434446.0
  • Items Sold: 28267
  • Average Sale Price: $15.37
  • Unique Sellers: 15481
  • Average Sales Per Day: 911.84
  • Average Days to Sell: 87.3 days

Overview of Kids Shirts & Tops

The Kids Shirts & Tops category on Poshmark generated $434,446 in revenue from the sale of 28,267 items at an average price of $15.37. The category has 15,481 unique sellers, with an average of 911.84 sales per day and an average time of 87.30 days to sell an item. It ranks #27 in revenue across all categories.

Market Position of Kids Shirts & Tops

Compared to the overall marketplace, this category underperforms in terms of average revenue per sale ($15.37 vs. $39.74) and median sale price ($15.37 vs. $23). However, items sell faster in this category, with an average of 87.3 days to sell, compared to a marketplace average of 2021.17 hours (84 days). While the category is positioned lower in terms of revenue generation (#27), it has a high volume of transactions, indicating steady demand.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
24 Men's Sweaters $477828 12906 $37 9757 86 days
25 Men's Jeans $477523 16707 $29 10891 65 days
26 Men's Shorts $468278 20574 $23 13461 65 days
27 Kids Shirts & Tops $434446 28267 $15 15481 87 days
28 Home Bedding $402938 8043 $50 4858 131 days
29 Kids Jackets & Coats $372458 13593 $27 10772 98 days
30 Home Accents $359968 12642 $28 7526 134 days

Sales Performance of Kids Shirts & Tops

The category's average sale price of $15.37 is significantly lower than the marketplace average of $39.74. Despite this, the high volume of 28,267 items sold demonstrates consistent buyer interest. The average time to sell of 87.3 days is slightly longer than the marketplace average of 84 days, but still within a competitive range. The category's total revenue of $434,446 and daily sales volume of 911.84 items suggest that while individual sale prices are low, the large number of transactions compensates for this in overall revenue.

Top Brands in Kids Shirts & Tops on Poshmark

  1. Nike - Revenue: $31920.00
  2. Polo Ralph Lauren - Revenue: $22288.00
  3. Under Armour - Revenue: $18546.00

Top Sellers in Kids Shirts & Tops on Poshmark

Here are the top-performing sellers in Kids Shirts & Tops:

  1. mrhardisty - Revenue: $2222.00
  2. tayzani - Revenue: $1206.00
  3. cincyjames1 - Revenue: $1148.00

Recommendation 👌

The category performs well in terms of volume but lags significantly in terms of average sale price and revenue per item. While there is steady demand, the lower price point limits profitability. The slightly longer days to sell also suggest room for improvement in pricing or listing strategies.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on bundling items to increase average sale prices or offer more premium products to close the gap between category and marketplace averages. Leveraging targeted promotions or discounts can also reduce the average days to sell. Additionally, improving listing quality with better images and descriptions could attract higher-paying buyers.

Categories related to Kids Shirts & Tops

  1. Kids Shoes - Revenue: $771621
  2. Kids Shirts & Tops - Revenue: $434446
  3. Kids Jackets & Coats - Revenue: $372458
  4. Kids Toys - Revenue: $344761
  5. Kids Bottoms - Revenue: $315434
  6. Kids Dresses - Revenue: $288604
  7. Kids Pajamas - Revenue: $150489
  8. Kids Matching Sets - Revenue: $145279
  9. Kids One Pieces - Revenue: $118813
  10. Kids Accessories - Revenue: $117061
  11. Kids Costumes - Revenue: $107609
  12. Kids Other - Revenue: $88592
  13. Kids Swim - Revenue: $40197

Top Subcategories in Kids Shirts & Tops

  1. Kids Sweatshirts & Hoodies - Revenue: $95645
  2. Kids Tees - Short Sleeve Shirts & Tops - Revenue: $71672
  3. Kids Sweaters - Revenue: $64185
See all categories
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