How well Polo Ralph Lauren sells on Poshmark

Polo Ralph Lauren on Poshmark: $379268 revenue, 12481 items sold, $30.39 avg price, 8669 sellers, ranked 29th last month.

Key Statistics for Polo Ralph Lauren

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #29
  • Total Revenue: $379268
  • Items Sold: 12481
  • Average Sale Price: $30
  • Unique Sellers: 8669
  • Average Sales Per Day: 403
  • Average Days to Sell: 77 days

Overview of Polo Ralph Lauren

Polo Ralph Lauren generated $379268 in revenue last month on Poshmark, with 12481 items sold by 8669 unique sellers at an average price of $30.39.

Market Position of Polo Ralph Lauren

Polo Ralph Lauren holds a strong position in the marketplace, ranking 29th last month. It outperformed the median sale price but had a lower average revenue per sale compared to all brands.

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
26 Disney $395962 18866 $21 11816 81 days
27 Vuori $386460 9560 $40 5928 18 days
28 Hermes $383246 1298 $295 1043 27 days
29 Polo Ralph Lauren $379268 12481 $30 8669 77 days
30 Burberry $378480 3198 $118 2631 12 days
31 Ralph Lauren $376826 11903 $32 9266 85 days
32 Fendi $357097 1553 $230 1256 26 days

Sales Performance of Polo Ralph Lauren

The brand saw an average of 402.61 sales per day and items took an average of 76.96 days to sell, which is significantly faster than the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours. The total revenue and number of items sold indicate robust demand.

Top Sellers of Polo Ralph Lauren on Poshmark

Top sellers eliudgtz ($4613.00), malibutique2020 ($1650.00), and closetiaguzman ($1073.00) contributed significantly to the brand's revenue. These sellers demonstrated effective sales strategies worth emulating.

Top Sellers List

  1. eliudgtz - Revenue: $4613.00
  2. malibutique2020 - Revenue: $1650.00
  3. closetiaguzman - Revenue: $1073.00

Recommendation 👍

The brand's performance in terms of revenue, sales volume, and average days to sell is strong. The average price per item is competitive and there is high seller participation.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on maintaining competitive pricing slightly above the median sale price but below the average for all brands to attract more buyers. Leveraging quick turnover rates can also enhance sales volume.

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