How well Women's Rings sell on Poshmark

Women's Rings on Poshmark generate $432042 in revenue with an ASP of $100.83, selling in an average of 126 days.

Table of Contents

Key Statistics for Women's Rings

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #41
  • Total Revenue: $432042.0
  • Items Sold: 4285
  • Average Sale Price: $100.83
  • Unique Sellers: 2677
  • Average Sales Per Day: 138.23
  • Average Days to Sell: 126.03 days

Overview of Women's Rings

Women's Rings on Poshmark generated $432,042 in revenue with 4,285 items sold at an average sale price of $100.83. With 2,677 unique sellers, the category averages 138.23 sales per day, and items take 126.03 days to sell.

Market Position of Women's Rings

Compared to the overall marketplace, Women's Rings have a significantly higher average sale price ($100.83 vs $39.74) and perform well in terms of value per sale. However, the category ranks #41 in revenue, indicating room for growth. The time to sell (126.03 days) is also faster than the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours (84.22 days), suggesting that Women's Rings are relatively liquid in this platform.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
38 Women's Straight Leg Jeans $482650 15556 $31 11010 47 days
39 Women's Bras $448206 22621 $20 14006 87 days
40 Women's Bikinis $437831 14576 $30 9965 122 days
41 Women's Rings $432042 4285 $101 2677 126 days
42 Men's Sweatshirts & Hoodies $423858 14028 $30 9415 57 days
43 Women's Clutches & Wristlets $413480 6074 $68 4882 84 days
44 Women's Mini Bags $405615 3408 $119 3041 62 days

Sales Performance of Women's Rings

The category's average sale price ($100.83) is more than 2.5 times higher than the marketplace average ($39.74), making it a high-ticket category for Poshmark. The revenue generated from 4,285 sales is substantial, though the category's rank of #41 indicates it is not among the top-performing categories in terms of revenue. The average days to sell (126.03 days) is slightly slower than the marketplace-wide average of 84.22 days, but this is expected due to the higher price point.

Top Brands in Women's Rings on Poshmark

  1. David Yurman - Revenue: $65605.00
  2. Tiffany & Co. - Revenue: $45116.00
  3. Cartier - Revenue: $37249.00

Top Sellers in Women's Rings on Poshmark

Here are the top-performing sellers in Women's Rings:

  1. shopmygemma - Revenue: $3590.00
  2. balexanderstyle - Revenue: $3235.00
  3. real_chanel - Revenue: $3000.00

Recommendation 👍

The higher average sale price and faster-than-market turnover rate make Women's Rings a strong category for sellers looking to maximize per-sale returns. While the category's revenue rank (#41) suggests it's not a top performer in volume, its value per sale is a standout.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on high-quality listings with clear, professional photos and detailed descriptions to justify the higher price points. Offering promotions or bundling items could help reduce the average time to sell further. Additionally, targeting specific niches within Women's Rings, such as vintage or designer brands, could attract more buyers willing to pay premium prices.

Top Categories in Women

  1. Women's Bags - Revenue: $12488695
  2. Women's Shoes - Revenue: $12051060
  3. Women's Dresses - Revenue: $9969351

Related Subcategories to Women's Rings

  1. Women's Necklaces - Revenue: $914100
  2. Women's Bracelets - Revenue: $784995
  3. Women's Earrings - Revenue: $705923
  4. Women's Rings - Revenue: $432042
  5. Women's Brooches - Revenue: $66970
See all categories
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