How well Cartier sells on Poshmark

Cartier on Poshmark: $279,891 revenue, 608 items sold, $460.35 avg price, 476 sellers, 47.20 days to sell, ranked 40th.

Key Statistics for Cartier

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #40
  • Total Revenue: $279891
  • Items Sold: 608
  • Average Sale Price: $460
  • Unique Sellers: 476
  • Average Sales Per Day: 20
  • Average Days to Sell: 47 days

Overview of Cartier

Cartier generated $279,891 in revenue last month with 608 items sold at an average price of $460.35. The brand had 476 unique sellers and an average sales rate of 19.61 items per day. Items took on average 47.20 days to sell, and Cartier ranked 40th overall.

Market Position of Cartier

Cartier's average price of $460.35 is significantly higher than the overall marketplace average revenue per sale of $39.74 and the median sale price of $23. Despite the higher price point, Cartier maintains a competitive position with a current rank of 40 in the marketplace.

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
37 Celine $302580 1264 $239 1027 29 days
38 On Running $301009 5106 $59 3821 17 days
39 Mac Duggal $281852 1730 $163 742 39 days
40 Cartier $279891 608 $460 476 47 days
41 Everlane $278840 8018 $35 5252 50 days
42 Figs $278228 9353 $30 5144 16 days
43 New Balance $275623 6903 $40 5596 55 days

Sales Performance of Cartier

With total revenue of $279,891 and 608 items sold, Cartier's sales performance is robust, reflecting a high-value brand. The average days to sell at 47.20 is relatively short compared to the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours (approximately 84.22 days), indicating strong demand and effective pricing strategies.

Top Sellers of Cartier on Poshmark

Top sellers included elady ($24,633), rebag ($14,823), and stinanguyen1 ($9,750). These sellers contributed significantly to the overall revenue, showcasing effective sales strategies and possibly a strong inventory of desirable Cartier items.

Top Sellers List

  1. elady - Revenue: $24633.00
  2. rebag - Revenue: $14823.00
  3. stinanguyen1 - Revenue: $9750.00

Recommendation 👍

Cartier's high average sale price and quick turnover rate demonstrate it is a lucrative brand for sellers on Poshmark. The brand's performance, with a relatively short average days to sell and high revenue, indicates strong market demand.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on maintaining high-quality listings and competitive pricing to capitalize on the brand's strong performance. Leveraging top seller strategies, such as effective marketing and inventory management, can further enhance sales.

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  • Items Sold: 5162
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