How well Women's Utility Jackets sell on Poshmark

Discover insights into Women's Utility Jackets on Poshmark, revealing sales trends, pricing strategies, and market opportunities.

Women's Utility Jackets Sales Stats on Poshmark

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #109
  • Total Revenue: $140924
  • Items Sold: 3649
  • Average Sale Price: $39
  • Unique Sellers: 3266
  • Average Sales Per Day: 118
  • Average Days to Sell: 80 days

How Women's Utility Jackets Performs on Poshmark

Women's Utility Jackets generated $140,924 in revenue from 3,649 sales, with an average sale price of $38.62. This category has a strong position with a rank of #109 out of 610.

With 3,266 unique sellers, Women's Utility Jackets have a solid presence on Poshmark but face moderate competition. The category's rank indicates a healthy demand relative to other categories.

Current trends highlight a growing interest in functional yet stylish outerwear. Sustainability and eco-friendly materials are gaining traction, presenting opportunities for sellers who can leverage these trends.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
106 Men's Bomber & Varsity Jackets & Coats $147121 2162 $68 2008 93 days
107 Women's Prom Dresses $146248 1876 $78 1629 239 days
108 Women's Cosmetic Bags & Cases $143676 3625 $40 2712 62 days
109 Women's Utility Jackets $140924 3649 $39 3266 80 days
110 Women's Bodysuits $138522 5543 $25 4555 65 days
111 Kids Puffers $137812 3791 $36 3374 85 days
112 Women's Slippers $132024 3584 $37 3170 88 days

Women's Utility Jackets Pricing & Sales Data

The average sale price of $38.62 suggests a mid-range positioning, appealing to budget-conscious consumers while allowing room for premium offerings. Pricing strategies should consider seasonal trends and brand variations for optimization.

An average of 117.71 sales per day and 79.82 days to sell indicate a steady demand. The sales velocity is robust, but the average selling time suggests opportunities to enhance listings for faster turnover.

Ranked at #109, Women's Utility Jackets perform reasonably well compared to other categories. However, key competitors in the outerwear sector may influence sales dynamics, requiring sellers to focus on niche markets.

Top Performing Brands

  1. Barbour - Revenue: $10830.00
  2. lululemon athletica - Revenue: $8812.00
  3. L.L. Bean - Revenue: $5964.00

Most Successful Sellers

  1. la_via - Revenue: $1331.00
  2. lana0815 - Revenue: $810.00
  3. brooklyncloset_ - Revenue: $570.00

Should You Sell Women's Utility Jackets on Poshmark? 👍

The presence of 3,266 unique sellers indicates a competitive environment. Sellers should differentiate their offerings through unique styles, bundle deals, or superior customer service to stand out.

The strong sales volume and revenue suggest that Women's Utility Jackets are a viable category for reselling, with opportunities for growth.

Given the average sale price, resellers have the potential for a good ROI, especially if sourcing is done strategically.

Key risks include market saturation and shifting fashion trends that may affect demand. Sellers should keep an eye on consumer preferences.

Tips for Selling Women's Utility Jackets

  • 1. Source unique or trending styles that cater to current fashion trends and consumer preferences.
  • 2. Optimize listings with high-quality images and detailed descriptions to improve visibility and appeal.
  • 3. Monitor seasonal trends to adjust inventory and pricing strategies accordingly.
  • 4. Engage with the Poshmark community through sharing and following to build a network and increase visibility.
  • 5. Offer bundle discounts to incentivize larger purchases and improve sales velocity.

Top Categories in Women

  1. Women's Shoes - Revenue: $12948636
  2. Women's Bags - Revenue: $12832520
  3. Women's Dresses - Revenue: $9346787

Related Subcategories to Women's Utility Jackets

  1. Women's Blazers & Suit Jackets - Revenue: $1040775
  2. Women's Puffers - Revenue: $382269
  3. Women's Leather Jackets - Revenue: $369174
  4. Women's Vests - Revenue: $306448
  5. Women's Trench Coats - Revenue: $261002
  6. Women's Jean Jackets - Revenue: $225984
  7. Women's Utility Jackets - Revenue: $140924
  8. Women's Bomber Jackets - Revenue: $131305
  9. Women's Pea Coats - Revenue: $130803
  10. Women's Ski & Snow Jackets - Revenue: $126057
  11. Women's Teddy Jackets - Revenue: $87889
  12. Women's Capes - Revenue: $32805
  13. Women's Varsity Jackets - Revenue: $15346
See all categories
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