How well L.l. Bean sells on Poshmark

L.L. Bean on Poshmark: $122K revenue from 4409 items sold, avg price $27.73. Top sellers: mummakk, poshfield21, beaniereanie.

Key Statistics for L.l. Bean

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #116
  • Total Revenue: $122274
  • Items Sold: 4409
  • Average Sale Price: $28
  • Unique Sellers: 3501
  • Average Sales Per Day: 142
  • Average Days to Sell: 11 days

Overview of L.l. Bean

L.L. Bean achieved a total revenue of $122,274.00 last month with 4409 items sold by 3501 unique sellers. The average price was $27.73, and items took an average of 11.42 days to sell. The brand is currently ranked 116th on Poshmark.

Market Position of L.l. Bean

L.L. Bean's performance is below the overall marketplace average revenue per sale of $39.74, with an average sale price of $27.73. However, it surpasses the median sale price of $23. The brand's average days to sell (11.42 days) is significantly faster than the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours (~84 days).

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
113 Tuckernuck $125923 1757 $72 1270 19 days
114 Brooks $125578 3151 $40 2097 12 days
115 Givenchy $123468 998 $124 834 40 days
116 L.l. Bean $122274 4409 $28 3501 11 days
117 Agolde $121982 2200 $55 1879 21 days
118 Moncler $121380 572 $212 523 78 days
119 J. Jill $121162 5919 $20 4338 62 days

Sales Performance of L.l. Bean

L.L. Bean generated $122,274.00 from 4409 items sold, resulting in an average price of $27.73 per item. The brand's average daily sales were 142.23 items, indicating consistent demand. Despite lower average revenue per sale compared to the marketplace, the brand's quicker selling time highlights its strong appeal and turnover rate.

Top Sellers of L.l. Bean on Poshmark

The top three sellers for L.L. Bean last month were mummakk ($459.00), poshfield21 ($457.00), and beaniereanie ($408.00). These sellers demonstrated effective strategies in listing and pricing L.L. Bean items, contributing significantly to the brand's overall sales performance.

Top Sellers List

  1. mummakk - Revenue: $459.00
  2. poshfield21 - Revenue: $457.00
  3. beaniereanie - Revenue: $408.00

Recommendation 👍

L.L. Bean items sell significantly faster than the marketplace average and have a strong appeal despite lower average revenue per sale.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on maintaining competitive pricing around $27.73 and leverage the brand's quick turnover to maximize sales. Engaging in strategic listing practices and frequent inventory updates could further enhance performance.

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