How well Lululemon Athletica sells on Poshmark

Lululemon Athletica on Poshmark: $1.35M revenue, 39423 items sold, avg price $34.34, top sellers turaroweltd, zobramelu, aileen0613.

Key Statistics for Lululemon Athletica

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #4
  • Total Revenue: $1353703
  • Items Sold: 39423
  • Average Sale Price: $34
  • Unique Sellers: 20401
  • Average Sales Per Day: 1272
  • Average Days to Sell: 16 days

Overview of Lululemon Athletica

Lululemon Athletica achieved a total revenue of $1,353,703.00 last month on Poshmark, with 39,423 items sold and an average price of $34.34 per item. The brand had 20,401 unique sellers and an average sales per day of 1271.71. Items took an average of 15.92 days to sell, placing the brand at rank 4 for the month.

Market Position of Lululemon Athletica

Lululemon Athletica's average price per item ($34.34) is below the overall marketplace average revenue per sale ($39.74) but above the median sale price ($23). The brand's average days to sell (15.92) is significantly better than the marketplace average (2021.17 hours, approximately 84 days), indicating a high demand and quick turnover.

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
1 Louis Vuitton $2367237 7299 $324 4338 30 days
2 Gucci $2118577 9368 $226 6669 43 days
3 Chanel $1988036 5162 $385 3453 45 days
4 Lululemon Athletica $1353703 39423 $34 20401 16 days
5 Nike $1069782 41246 $26 26428 26 days
6 Free People $917834 22979 $40 13590 19 days
7 Anthropologie $744823 19772 $38 11511 42 days

Sales Performance of Lululemon Athletica

The brand sold 39,423 items, generating $1,353,703.00 in revenue with an average daily sales volume of 1271.71 items. The average price per item was $34.34, which is competitive but slightly lower than the overall marketplace average revenue per sale. However, the relatively quick average days to sell (15.92) demonstrates strong market demand and efficient sales cycles for Lululemon Athletica items.

Top Sellers of Lululemon Athletica on Poshmark

The top sellers for Lululemon Athletica last month were turaroweltd ($16,285.00), zobramelu ($5,183.00), and aileen0613 ($4,921.00). These sellers significantly contributed to the total revenue, with turaroweltd leading by a substantial margin. Their success could be attributed to factors such as pricing strategy, inventory quality, and marketing efforts.

Top Sellers List

  1. turaroweltd - Revenue: $16285.00
  2. zobramelu - Revenue: $5183.00
  3. aileen0613 - Revenue: $4921.00

Recommendation 👍

The brand's strong revenue, high volume of items sold, competitive average price, and quick turnover rate make it a viable and attractive option for Poshmark sellers.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on maintaining competitive pricing just below the marketplace average to attract buyers while ensuring high-quality listings to sustain quick sales turnaround. Observing the strategies of top sellers like turaroweltd could provide insights into successful selling practices.

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