How well Women's Robes sell on Poshmark

Women's Robes on Poshmark: $81374 revenue, 2268 items sold, avg sale $35.88, 92.51 days to sell, #143 rank

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Key Statistics for Women's Robes

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #143
  • Total Revenue: $81374.0
  • Items Sold: 2268
  • Average Sale Price: $35.88
  • Unique Sellers: 2089
  • Average Sales Per Day: 73.16
  • Average Days to Sell: 92.51 days

Overview of Women's Robes

Women's Robes generated $81374 in revenue from 2268 items sold, with an average sale price of $35.88. The category has 2089 unique sellers and averages 73.16 sales per day, taking about 92.51 days to sell an item.

Market Position of Women's Robes

Women's Robes are performing moderately well compared to the overall marketplace, with a lower average revenue per sale ($35.88 vs. $39.74) but a higher median sale price ($35.88 vs. $23). The category's Revenue Rank is #143, indicating a middle-tier market position.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
140 Men's Cowboy & Western Boots $85095 1014 $84 873 62 days
141 Women's Pencil Skirts $82013 3395 $24 2968 115 days
142 Women's One Shoulder Dresses $81469 1271 $64 1191 122 days
143 Women's Robes $81374 2268 $36 2089 93 days
144 Women's Moisturizer Skincare $80622 2514 $32 1608 200 days
145 Women's Lipstick Makeup $78329 3934 $20 1904 160 days
146 Men's Luggage & Travel Bags $77655 517 $150 445 83 days

Sales Performance of Women's Robes

The average sales per day for Women's Robes is 73.16, with items taking an average of 92.51 days to sell, which is significantly faster than the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours (approximately 84.22 days). The category is efficient in terms of sales velocity but slightly underperforms in average revenue per sale.

Top Brands in Women's Robes on Poshmark

  1. UGG - Revenue: $5056.00
  2. Barefoot Dreams - Revenue: $4165.00
  3. Versace - Revenue: $3315.00

Top Sellers in Women's Robes on Poshmark

Here are the top-performing sellers in Women's Robes:

  1. brickbrats - Revenue: $1615.00
  2. marisales805 - Revenue: $630.00
  3. shopncsc - Revenue: $425.00

Recommendation 👌

The category has a decent performance with a strong median sale price and faster-than-average sales time, but it lags in average revenue per sale compared to the marketplace.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on enhancing product descriptions and images to justify higher prices, consider bundling items to increase average sale value, and actively promote their listings to improve visibility and sales velocity.

Top Categories in Women

  1. Women's Bags - Revenue: $12488695
  2. Women's Shoes - Revenue: $12051060
  3. Women's Dresses - Revenue: $9969351

Related Subcategories to Women's Robes

  1. Women's Bras - Revenue: $448206
  2. Women's Sports Bras - Revenue: $283463
  3. Women's Pajamas - Revenue: $263059
  4. Women's Robes - Revenue: $81374
  5. Women's Panties - Revenue: $73889
  6. Women's Shapewear Intimates & Sleepwear - Revenue: $66175
  7. Women's Chemises & Slips - Revenue: $56558
See all categories
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