How well Ugg sells on Poshmark

Ugg sales on Poshmark: $335,924 revenue, 7,764 items sold, avg price $43.27, rank 34, top seller marisales805 with $11,822.

Key Statistics for Ugg

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #34
  • Total Revenue: $335924
  • Items Sold: 7764
  • Average Sale Price: $43
  • Unique Sellers: 6226
  • Average Sales Per Day: 250
  • Average Days to Sell: 56 days

Overview of Ugg

Ugg generated $335,924 in revenue from 7,764 items sold last month, averaging $43.27 per item. The brand ranked 34th overall and had 6,226 unique sellers.

Market Position of Ugg

Ugg's average revenue per sale ($43.27) is higher than the marketplace average ($39.74) and significantly above the median sale price ($23). With an average sales cycle of 55.91 days, Ugg items sell faster compared to the marketplace average of 84.22 days.

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
31 Ralph Lauren $376826 11903 $32 9266 85 days
32 Fendi $357097 1553 $230 1256 26 days
33 Tiffany & Co. $349865 1930 $181 1418 17 days
34 Ugg $335924 7764 $43 6226 56 days
35 Michael Kors $326235 8784 $37 6487 81 days
36 Levi's $323874 13583 $24 10261 55 days
37 Celine $302580 1264 $239 1027 29 days

Sales Performance of Ugg

Ugg's total revenue of $335,924 from 7,764 items indicates strong demand. The average daily sales of 250.45 items and an average price of $43.27 suggest that Ugg products are priced competitively. However, the average days to sell at 55.91 days show a moderate turnover rate, faster than the overall marketplace average.

Top Sellers of Ugg on Poshmark

The top three sellers contributed significantly, with marisales805 leading at $11,822. This indicates a high level of concentration in sales among a few top performers. Top sellers appear to have effective strategies for pricing and inventory turnover.

Top Sellers List

  1. marisales805 - Revenue: $11822.00
  2. awsomefinds805 - Revenue: $8035.00
  3. vickiven - Revenue: $1620.00

Recommendation 👍

Ugg's higher than average sale price and faster turnover rate indicate strong market performance. The brand's rank of 34 and the substantial revenue generated reflect its popularity.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on competitive pricing around the $43 mark and aim to optimize listings to reduce days to sell further. Learning from top sellers like marisales805 could provide valuable insights into effective selling strategies.

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