How well Kids Toys sell on Poshmark

Kids Toys on Poshmark generated $344,761 in revenue with 15,197 items sold, avg sale price of $22.69, and took 74.92 days to sell.

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Key Statistics for Kids Toys

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #32
  • Total Revenue: $344761.0
  • Items Sold: 15197
  • Average Sale Price: $22.69
  • Unique Sellers: 8109
  • Average Sales Per Day: 490.23
  • Average Days to Sell: 74.92 days

Overview of Kids Toys

The Kids Toys category on Poshmark generated $344,761 in revenue, with an average sale price of $22.69 and 15,197 items sold. It took an average of 74.92 days to sell an item, with 8,109 unique sellers contributing to sales.

Market Position of Kids Toys

When compared to the overall marketplace, Kids Toys underperforms in terms of average revenue per sale ($22.69 vs $39.74) and is priced slightly below the marketplace median sale price ($22.69 vs $23). However, it sells faster than the marketplace average, with items moving in 74.92 days compared to the overall average of 84 days (2021.17 hours). Its revenue rank of #32 suggests it is a niche category with moderate demand.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
29 Kids Jackets & Coats $372458 13593 $27 10772 98 days
30 Home Accents $359968 12642 $28 7526 134 days
31 Home Dining $355370 12212 $29 7686 133 days
32 Kids Toys $344761 15197 $23 8109 75 days
33 Home Kitchen $317006 11750 $27 8299 113 days
34 Kids Bottoms $315434 21426 $15 12835 85 days
35 Women's Skincare $314922 10391 $30 5380 196 days

Sales Performance of Kids Toys

The category witnessed strong sales volume with 15,197 items sold and an average of 490.23 sales per day. However, its average sale price of $22.69 is significantly lower than the marketplace average of $39.74, indicating that lower-priced items dominate this category. Despite the lower price point, the faster-than-average sell-through rate of 74.92 days suggests that there is consistent demand for Kids Toys.

Top Brands in Kids Toys on Poshmark

  1. Lego - Revenue: $35138.00
  2. American Girl - Revenue: $32239.00
  3. Disney - Revenue: $29370.00

Top Sellers in Kids Toys on Poshmark

Here are the top-performing sellers in Kids Toys:

  1. carmelitajaymes - Revenue: $6707.00
  2. bullseye_deals - Revenue: $2178.00
  3. barbieglam22 - Revenue: $2000.00

Recommendation 👌

While the category shows reasonable demand and a faster sell-through rate than the marketplace average, its lower revenue per sale and average sale price limit its overall profitability. The category's performance could be described as stable but unspectacular.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should explore bundling items to increase average order value or focus on higher-end toys to raise the average sale price. Optimizing listings with quality images and detailed descriptions could help shorten the time to sell further.

Categories related to Kids Toys

  1. Kids Shoes - Revenue: $771621
  2. Kids Shirts & Tops - Revenue: $434446
  3. Kids Jackets & Coats - Revenue: $372458
  4. Kids Toys - Revenue: $344761
  5. Kids Bottoms - Revenue: $315434
  6. Kids Dresses - Revenue: $288604
  7. Kids Pajamas - Revenue: $150489
  8. Kids Matching Sets - Revenue: $145279
  9. Kids One Pieces - Revenue: $118813
  10. Kids Accessories - Revenue: $117061
  11. Kids Costumes - Revenue: $107609
  12. Kids Other - Revenue: $88592
  13. Kids Swim - Revenue: $40197

Top Subcategories in Kids Toys

  1. Kids Stuffed Animals - Revenue: $98753
  2. Kids Dolls & Accessories - Revenue: $86375
  3. Kids Action Figures & Playsets - Revenue: $49243
See all categories
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