How well Kids Stuffed Animals sell on Poshmark

Kids Stuffed Animals on Poshmark generated $95,052 with 5148 items sold and an average sale price of $18.46, ranking #132 in revenue.

Table of Contents

Key Statistics for Kids Stuffed Animals

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #132
  • Total Revenue: $95052
  • Items Sold: 5148
  • Average Sale Price: $18
  • Unique Sellers: 2985
  • Average Sales Per Day: 166
  • Average Days to Sell: 78 days

Overview of Kids Stuffed Animals

Kids Stuffed Animals generated $95,052 in total revenue from 5148 items sold, with an average sale price of $18.46. The category has 2985 unique sellers, with an average of 166.06 sales per day and an average of 78.45 days to sell each item. The category ranks #132 in total revenue across Poshmark categories.

Market Position of Kids Stuffed Animals

Compared to the overall marketplace, Kids Stuffed Animals have a lower average sale price of $18.46 versus the marketplace average of $40.38. The median sale price for all categories is $24, making this category underperform on price. However, the average days to sell (78.45 days) is significantly faster than the marketplace average of 2008.52 hours (83.69 days), indicating quicker turnover.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
129 Men's Oxfords & Derbys $105345 2031 $52 1744 103 days
130 Kids Casual Dresses $102990 6019 $17 4263 106 days
131 Kids Sweatshirts & Hoodies $97741 5857 $17 4476 76 days
132 Kids Stuffed Animals $95052 5148 $18 2985 78 days
133 Men's Zip Up Sweaters $94186 2834 $33 2390 81 days
134 Women's Eyeshadow Makeup $94000 4069 $23 2377 201 days
135 Women's Hair Accessories $92097 2961 $31 1978 188 days

Sales Performance of Kids Stuffed Animals

The category has a relatively low average sale price, but the volume of sales (5148 items) and the number of unique sellers (2985) indicate active participation. The category performs well in terms of speed of sale, with items selling in an average of 78.45 days, faster than the marketplace average. The daily sales volume of 166.06 items shows consistent demand, though lower pricing may limit revenue potential.

Top Brands in Kids Stuffed Animals on Poshmark

  1. Squishmallows - Revenue: $20085.00
  2. Jellycat - Revenue: $15365.00
  3. Disney - Revenue: $11799.00

Top Sellers in Kids Stuffed Animals on Poshmark

Here are the top-performing sellers in Kids Stuffed Animals:

  1. furryfriends_ - Revenue: $2337.00
  2. mbb201004 - Revenue: $1866.00
  3. carmelitajaymes - Revenue: $1716.00

Recommendation 👌

The category is performing well in terms of turnover speed and consistent sales volume but underperforms in revenue per sale compared to the marketplace average. This limits its profitability potential.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should consider bundling items or upselling higher-quality, rarer stuffed animals to increase average sale price. Additionally, optimizing listings with better pictures and detailed descriptions could attract buyers willing to pay higher prices.

Top Categories in Kids

  1. Kids Shoes - Revenue: $752560
  2. Kids Jackets & Coats - Revenue: $449410
  3. Kids Shirts & Tops - Revenue: $407807

Related Subcategories to Kids Stuffed Animals

  1. Kids Stuffed Animals - Revenue: $95052
  2. Kids Dolls & Accessories - Revenue: $86863
  3. Kids Action Figures & Playsets - Revenue: $49074
  4. Kids Building Sets & Blocks - Revenue: $28559
  5. Kids Cars & Vehicles - Revenue: $11825
  6. Kids Learning Toys - Revenue: $10344
  7. Kids Trading Cards - Revenue: $10000
  8. Kids Puzzles & Games - Revenue: $8729
See all categories
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