How well Kids Other sells on Poshmark

Kids Other on Poshmark generated $88,592 with 3685 items sold, averaging $24.04 per sale, lower than the marketplace average.

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Key Statistics for Kids Other

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #51
  • Total Revenue: $88592.0
  • Items Sold: 3685
  • Average Sale Price: $24.04
  • Unique Sellers: 3025
  • Average Sales Per Day: 118.87
  • Average Days to Sell: 104.94 days

Overview of Kids Other

Kids Other generated $88,592 in revenue with 3,685 items sold, averaging $24.04 per sale. The category had 3025 unique sellers, and items took an average of 104.94 days to sell.

Market Position of Kids Other

Kids Other ranks #21 overall in revenue. The average sale price of $24.04 is slightly above the marketplace median of $23 but significantly below the average marketplace revenue per sale of $39.74. Items in this category sell quicker than the marketplace average, which takes about 84.22 days (2021.17 hours) to sell.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
48 Kids Costumes $107609 4883 $22 3662 88 days
49 Electronics Wearables $106097 1189 $89 1107 62 days
50 Electronics Other $93846 1628 $58 1456 97 days
51 Kids Other $88592 3685 $24 3025 105 days
52 Men's Underwear & Socks $86354 4361 $20 2381 227 days
53 Electronics Headphones $86229 1187 $73 1054 72 days
54 Electronics Cell Phones & Accessories $79369 2063 $38 1695 107 days

Sales Performance of Kids Other

Although Kids Other has a relatively low average sale price compared to the marketplace average, its volume of 3685 items sold is strong, indicating consistent demand. With 118.87 sales per day and a faster-than-average turnover (104.94 days vs. the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours or 84.22 days), the category shows good traction despite lower price points.

Top Brands in Kids Other on Poshmark

  1. Pottery Barn Kids - Revenue: $5650.00
  2. Kyte BABY - Revenue: $4420.00
  3. BabyBjorn - Revenue: $4196.00

Top Sellers in Kids Other on Poshmark

Here are the top-performing sellers in Kids Other:

  1. wrookieland - Revenue: $732.00
  2. april1230 - Revenue: $725.00
  3. amybblack22 - Revenue: $700.00

Recommendation 👌

While the category has a lower average sale price, it's performing well in terms of sales volume and speed to sell. However, there is room to improve revenue per sale.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should explore bundling items or offering higher-value products to increase the average sale price. Additionally, optimizing listings with better photos and descriptions could further boost sales velocity.

Categories related to Kids Other

  1. Kids Shoes - Revenue: $771621
  2. Kids Shirts & Tops - Revenue: $434446
  3. Kids Jackets & Coats - Revenue: $372458
  4. Kids Toys - Revenue: $344761
  5. Kids Bottoms - Revenue: $315434
  6. Kids Dresses - Revenue: $288604
  7. Kids Pajamas - Revenue: $150489
  8. Kids Matching Sets - Revenue: $145279
  9. Kids One Pieces - Revenue: $118813
  10. Kids Accessories - Revenue: $117061
  11. Kids Costumes - Revenue: $107609
  12. Kids Other - Revenue: $88592
  13. Kids Swim - Revenue: $40197

Top Subcategories in Kids Other

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