How well Women's Crew & Scoop Necks sell on Poshmark

Discover insights on Women's Crew & Scoop Necks on Poshmark, including sales trends, pricing strategies, and seller competition.

Women's Crew & Scoop Necks Sales Stats on Poshmark

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #22
  • Total Revenue: $791029
  • Items Sold: 25897
  • Average Sale Price: $31
  • Unique Sellers: 18057
  • Average Sales Per Day: 835
  • Average Days to Sell: 79 days

How Women's Crew & Scoop Necks Performs on Poshmark

The Women's Crew & Scoop Necks category has generated $791,029 in revenue from 25,897 items sold, indicating a robust market presence with a strong average sale price of $30.55.

Ranking #22 out of 610 categories, this segment demonstrates significant popularity and demand within the Poshmark ecosystem, appealing to a broad audience of female consumers.

Current trends indicate a rising demand for sustainable and second-hand clothing, which can benefit the resale market. Future outlook suggests continued growth in online resale platforms, making it a favorable time for sellers in this category to capitalize on emerging trends.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
19 Women's Wallets $948022 13667 $69 8468 35 days
20 Women's Bracelets $797055 11694 $68 6315 135 days
21 Women's Leggings $792805 31089 $26 20182 65 days
22 Women's Crew & Scoop Necks $791029 25897 $31 18057 79 days
23 Men's Sneakers $783637 11503 $68 8286 42 days
24 Women's Earrings $729399 15452 $47 6972 153 days
25 Women's Sunglasses $679056 8382 $81 6668 72 days

Women's Crew & Scoop Necks Pricing & Sales Data

With an average sale price of $30.55, this category is positioned in the mid-range of Poshmark pricing. Competitive pricing strategies could be beneficial, especially when considering seasonal trends and brand popularity. Monitoring competitor pricing will also be crucial to maintaining attractiveness.

The average sales per day stands at 835.39, suggesting a strong sales velocity that supports quick inventory turnover. However, with an average days to sell of 78.64, there is room for improvement in reducing sell-through times, potentially through better listing practices or marketing efforts.

The Women's Crew & Scoop Necks category ranks well compared to other segments, but sellers should be mindful of brands that dominate the market. Competing against established brands may require unique sourcing strategies or niche marketing to capture the attention of buyers.

Top Performing Brands

  1. J. Crew - Revenue: $31380.00
  2. Free People - Revenue: $26652.00
  3. Jenni Kayne - Revenue: $20927.00

Most Successful Sellers

  1. xohummingbird - Revenue: $5687.00
  2. poisednprepped - Revenue: $3071.00
  3. sparklingmine - Revenue: $2960.00

Should You Sell Women's Crew & Scoop Necks on Poshmark? 👍

The unique seller count of 18,057 indicates a highly competitive landscape. Sellers must differentiate their offerings through branding, quality, and unique listings to stand out in this crowded marketplace. Engaging with buyers and building a community may also enhance visibility.

The solid average sale price, combined with a healthy sales volume, makes this category a promising area for resellers to explore.

With average prices nearing $30.55, resellers can expect a favorable return on investment, especially if they can source items at lower costs.

Potential risks include market saturation and changing consumer preferences. Additionally, pricing strategies need to be adjusted to avoid undercutting, which can erode profit margins.

Tips for Selling Women's Crew & Scoop Necks

  • Utilize seasonal marketing strategies to highlight relevant items and boost visibility.
  • Invest in high-quality photography and detailed descriptions to enhance listing appeal.
  • Engage with the Poshmark community through sharing and participating in parties to increase exposure.
  • Monitor competitor pricing regularly to remain competitive while maintaining profit margins.
  • Explore sourcing opportunities from thrift stores or clearance sales to maximize profit margins.

Top Categories in Women

  1. Women's Shoes - Revenue: $12948636
  2. Women's Bags - Revenue: $12832520
  3. Women's Dresses - Revenue: $9346787

Related Subcategories to Women's Crew & Scoop Necks

  1. Women's Cardigans - Revenue: $1146266
  2. Women's Crew & Scoop Necks - Revenue: $791029
  3. Women's Cowl & Turtlenecks - Revenue: $293293
  4. Women's V-Necks - Revenue: $203622
  5. Women's Shrugs & Ponchos - Revenue: $51566
  6. Women's Off-the-Shoulder Sweaters - Revenue: $23617
See all categories
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