How well Jenni Kayne sells on Poshmark

Jenni Kayne Poshmark: $114K revenue, 1003 items sold, avg price $113.80, 755 sellers, 32.35 sales/day. Top seller: posh_myers $3335.

Key Statistics for Jenni Kayne

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #128
  • Total Revenue: $114142
  • Items Sold: 1003
  • Average Sale Price: $114
  • Unique Sellers: 755
  • Average Sales Per Day: 32
  • Average Days to Sell: 41 days

Overview of Jenni Kayne

Jenni Kayne achieved a total revenue of $114,142.00 last month by selling 1003 items at an average price of $113.80. The brand had participation from 755 unique sellers.

Market Position of Jenni Kayne

Jenni Kayne's average revenue per sale of $113.80 is significantly higher than the overall marketplace average of $39.74. The brand's items sell much faster, averaging 40.96 days compared to the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours (~84 days). Currently, the brand ranks 128th.

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
125 Loungefly $117796 2417 $49 1645 39 days
126 Valentino $117708 830 $142 743 44 days
127 Rag & Bone $116320 2405 $48 2117 24 days
128 Jenni Kayne $114142 1003 $114 755 41 days
129 Aritzia $113697 3188 $36 2357 17 days
130 Vera Bradley $110580 4648 $24 3431 82 days
131 Juicy Couture $106272 2827 $38 2011 13 days

Sales Performance of Jenni Kayne

The brand maintained an average of 32.35 sales per day. With a higher-than-average price point, the total revenue of $114,142.00 for 1003 items sold indicates strong demand and market positioning. The average days to sell at 40.96 days is efficient compared to the marketplace standard.

Top Sellers of Jenni Kayne on Poshmark

Top sellers include posh_myers with $3335.00 in sales, brenna_kelly96 with $2716.00, and sa750 with $1405.00. These sellers contributed significantly to the overall performance, indicating effective sales strategies and strong customer bases.

Top Sellers List

  1. posh_myers - Revenue: $3335.00
  2. brenna_kelly96 - Revenue: $2716.00
  3. sa750 - Revenue: $1405.00

Recommendation 👍

Jenni Kayne's performance with high average revenue per sale, fast turnover, and substantial total revenue demonstrates a strong market presence and efficient sales strategy.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on maintaining high listing quality and competitive pricing to continue leveraging the brand's strong demand. Exploring bundled offers or limited-time discounts can further enhance sales. Additionally, engaging in active promotions and collaborations with top-performing sellers could improve visibility and drive more traffic.

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