How well J. Crew sells on Poshmark

J. Crew on Poshmark generated $727306 in revenue last month with an average sale price of $29.59 and 24576 items sold.

Key Statistics for J. Crew

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #8
  • Total Revenue: $727306
  • Items Sold: 24576
  • Average Sale Price: $30
  • Unique Sellers: 14945
  • Average Sales Per Day: 793
  • Average Days to Sell: 43 days

Overview of J. Crew

J. Crew achieved a total revenue of $727,306.00 in the past month, selling 24,576 items with an average price of $29.59. There were 14,945 unique sellers, and the brand had an average sales per day of 792.77. The average time to sell was 43.07 days, and J. Crew ranked 8th in the marketplace.

Market Position of J. Crew

J. Crew's average price per item ($29.59) was lower than the overall marketplace average ($39.74). However, the brand's median sale price is higher than the marketplace median ($23). The average days to sell (43.07 days) is significantly faster compared to the marketplace average (84.22 days).

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
5 Nike $1069782 41246 $26 26428 26 days
6 Free People $917834 22979 $40 13590 19 days
7 Anthropologie $744823 19772 $38 11511 42 days
8 J. Crew $727306 24576 $30 14945 43 days
9 Tory Burch $725835 10871 $67 8098 33 days
10 Prada $701628 3922 $179 3212 66 days
11 Zara $654453 24467 $27 14997 43 days

Sales Performance of J. Crew

The brand sold a total of 24,576 items with an average daily sales volume of 792.77. The total revenue of $727,306.00 indicates strong demand, but the average price per item is lower compared to the marketplace average. The brand's items sell relatively quickly, taking an average of 43.07 days to sell.

Top Sellers of J. Crew on Poshmark

Top sellers for J. Crew included kassycloset ($15,421.00), kaykay111997 ($10,686.00), and msemkayh ($6,905.00). These sellers contributed a significant portion of the total revenue, indicating strong individual performance and effective sales strategies.

Top Sellers List

  1. kassycloset - Revenue: $15421.00
  2. kaykay111997 - Revenue: $10686.00
  3. msemkayh - Revenue: $6905.00

Recommendation 👍

J. Crew's performance shows robust sales volume and relatively quick turnover, despite a lower average price per item. The high number of unique sellers and a strong rank position (8th) further support a positive outlook.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on maintaining competitive pricing to maximize volume while exploring opportunities to increase average sale prices. Leveraging effective marketing strategies similar to top sellers like kassycloset could enhance performance.

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Tory Burch

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  • Items Sold: 5162
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