How well Women's Straight Leg Pants & Jumpsuits sell on Poshmark

Women's Straight Leg Pants & Jumpsuits on Poshmark: $225,915 revenue, 8110 items sold, avg sale price $27.86, 59.31 days to sell.

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Key Statistics for Women's Straight Leg Pants & Jumpsuits

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #79
  • Total Revenue: $225915.0
  • Items Sold: 8110
  • Average Sale Price: $27.86
  • Unique Sellers: 6479
  • Average Sales Per Day: 261.61
  • Average Days to Sell: 59.31 days

Overview of Women's Straight Leg Pants & Jumpsuits

The Women's Straight Leg Pants & Jumpsuits category generated $225,915 in revenue from 8,110 items sold, with an average sale price of $27.86. On average, items took 59.31 days to sell, with 6,479 unique sellers contributing to the total sales.

Market Position of Women's Straight Leg Pants & Jumpsuits

This category ranks #38 in revenue overall on Poshmark. The average sale price of $27.86 is lower than the marketplace-wide average of $39.74 but higher than the marketplace median price of $23. The average 59.31 days to sell is significantly faster than the marketplace average of 84.22 days (2021.17 hours).

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
76 Women's Vests $245136 7155 $34 6304 92 days
77 Men's Hats $245070 10156 $24 7102 101 days
78 Men's Sweatpants & Joggers $242085 8334 $29 6258 60 days
79 Women's Straight Leg Pants & Jumpsuits $225915 8110 $28 6479 59 days
80 Women's Hobos $218845 2262 $97 2025 81 days
81 Women's Trousers $216478 6854 $32 5684 64 days
82 Women's Cowl & Turtlenecks $213837 7195 $30 5888 85 days

Sales Performance of Women's Straight Leg Pants & Jumpsuits

The category is performing below average in terms of revenue per sale, as it falls short of the marketplace-wide average of $39.74. However, it is strong in terms of its turnover rate, with items selling in 59.31 days, faster than the overall average of 84.22 days. The high number of unique sellers (6,479) shows a competitive environment, but the relatively high volume of items sold (8,110) indicates sustained demand.

Top Brands in Women's Straight Leg Pants & Jumpsuits on Poshmark

  1. Figs - Revenue: $8611.00
  2. J. Crew - Revenue: $5814.00
  3. Everlane - Revenue: $5418.00

Top Sellers in Women's Straight Leg Pants & Jumpsuits on Poshmark

Here are the top-performing sellers in Women's Straight Leg Pants & Jumpsuits:

  1. la_via - Revenue: $1674.00
  2. presto_support - Revenue: $1052.00
  3. gravesem8 - Revenue: $559.00

Recommendation 👌

While the category demonstrates strong demand and faster-than-average turnover, the lower-than-average sale price limits revenue potential. Sellers can benefit from the quick sales cycle, but the lower price point may reduce overall profitability.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on enhancing the perceived value of their listings by improving item presentation, offering bundle discounts, and highlighting quality or unique features. Additionally, sellers might consider sourcing higher-end brands or limited-edition styles to elevate the average sale price.

Top Categories in Women

  1. Women's Bags - Revenue: $12488695
  2. Women's Shoes - Revenue: $12051060
  3. Women's Dresses - Revenue: $9969351

Related Subcategories to Women's Straight Leg Pants & Jumpsuits

  1. Women's Jumpsuits & Rompers - Revenue: $706969
  2. Women's Leggings - Revenue: $681109
  3. Women's Track Pants & Joggers - Revenue: $498368
  4. Women's Wide Leg Pants & Jumpsuits - Revenue: $402736
  5. Women's Ankle & Cropped Pants & Jumpsuits - Revenue: $261501
  6. Women's Straight Leg Pants & Jumpsuits - Revenue: $225915
  7. Women's Trousers - Revenue: $216478
  8. Women's Boot Cut & Flare Pants & Jumpsuits - Revenue: $126879
  9. Women's Skinny Pants & Jumpsuits - Revenue: $62354
  10. Women's Capris - Revenue: $51008
  11. Women's Pantsuits - Revenue: $42865
See all categories
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