How well Women's Boot Cut & Flare Pants & Jumpsuits sell on Poshmark

Explore trending Women's Boot Cut & Flare Pants & Jumpsuits on Poshmark. Discover sales trends, pricing strategies, and market insights.

Women's Boot Cut & Flare Pants & Jumpsuits Sales Stats on Poshmark

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #97
  • Total Revenue: $163301
  • Items Sold: 5348
  • Average Sale Price: $31
  • Unique Sellers: 4638
  • Average Sales Per Day: 173
  • Average Days to Sell: 66 days

How Women's Boot Cut & Flare Pants & Jumpsuits Performs on Poshmark

The Women's Boot Cut & Flare Pants & Jumpsuits category on Poshmark has generated a total revenue of $163,301 from 5,348 items sold, showcasing a healthy demand among consumers. With an average sale price of $30.53, this category appeals to a wide range of buyers. Unique sellers total 4,638, indicating a competitive marketplace.

Ranked #97 out of 610 categories on Poshmark, this category is positioned well but has room for growth. The solid sales volume suggests it is a popular choice among buyers, though the high number of unique sellers indicates a competitive landscape.

Current trends indicate a growing interest in sustainable fashion, and resellers should consider sourcing eco-friendly brands or styles. Future outlook suggests continued demand, especially as fashion cycles shift towards vintage and retro styles, which often include flare pants and jumpsuits.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
94 Women's Over the Knee Boots $168160 2169 $78 1909 111 days
95 Kids Boots $167644 7018 $24 5832 82 days
96 Men's Straight Jeans $165589 6055 $27 4585 58 days
97 Women's Boot Cut & Flare Pants & Jumpsuits $163301 5348 $31 4638 66 days
98 Men's Athletic Shorts $162521 6803 $24 4956 44 days
99 Women's Jean Shorts $160297 7943 $20 6777 72 days
100 Men's Lightweight & Shirt Jackets $158892 3834 $41 3378 82 days

Women's Boot Cut & Flare Pants & Jumpsuits Pricing & Sales Data

The average sale price of $30.53 demonstrates a mid-range pricing strategy that can attract a diverse customer base. Price points should be monitored closely for shifts, especially during seasonal changes which could impact desirability and pricing strategies.

With an average of 172.52 sales per day and an average days to sell of 65.63, items in this category have a moderate sales velocity. This indicates that while the items are moving well, there is potential for improvement in reducing the time to sell.

Compared to other categories, Women's Boot Cut & Flare Pants & Jumpsuits hold a solid position in terms of sales volume, but the high number of sellers may dilute individual seller performance. Categories with lower seller counts and higher average sales prices might pose less risk and more potential for higher profit margins.

Top Performing Brands

  1. SPANX - Revenue: $7949.00
  2. Free People - Revenue: $6320.00
  3. lululemon athletica - Revenue: $4267.00

Most Successful Sellers

  1. turaroweltd - Revenue: $1188.00
  2. sharethetrends - Revenue: $950.00
  3. new_by_felicity - Revenue: $356.00

Should You Sell Women's Boot Cut & Flare Pants & Jumpsuits on Poshmark? 👍

The presence of 4,638 unique sellers creates a highly competitive environment. Sellers must differentiate themselves through quality listings, effective marketing, and engagement with potential buyers. The competition suggests that niche targeting and unique inventory can enhance visibility.

The strong sales performance and decent average sale price indicate a healthy market for resellers. While competition is fierce, there are opportunities for strategic sellers.

With the average sale price at $30.53 and a decent turnover rate, profit margins can be favorable, especially if sourcing is managed effectively. Resellers can achieve a good return on investment.

Key risks include market saturation, changing fashion trends, and potential increases in shipping costs. Sellers must stay agile and adaptable to mitigate these risks.

Tips for Selling Women's Boot Cut & Flare Pants & Jumpsuits

  • 1. Optimize listings with high-quality images and detailed descriptions to stand out in a crowded market.
  • 2. Utilize Poshmark's sharing feature to increase visibility and engagement with potential buyers.
  • 3. Monitor seasonal trends and adjust inventory accordingly to align with buyer preferences.
  • 4. Engage with the Poshmark community through parties and social media to build a loyal customer base.
  • 5. Consider bundling items or offering discounts for multi-item purchases to incentivize buyers.

Top Categories in Women

  1. Women's Shoes - Revenue: $12948636
  2. Women's Bags - Revenue: $12832520
  3. Women's Dresses - Revenue: $9346787

Related Subcategories to Women's Boot Cut & Flare Pants & Jumpsuits

  1. Women's Leggings - Revenue: $792805
  2. Women's Jumpsuits & Rompers - Revenue: $675878
  3. Women's Track Pants & Joggers - Revenue: $565119
  4. Women's Wide Leg Pants & Jumpsuits - Revenue: $408643
  5. Women's Ankle & Cropped Pants & Jumpsuits - Revenue: $269656
  6. Women's Straight Leg Pants & Jumpsuits - Revenue: $246899
  7. Women's Trousers - Revenue: $241272
  8. Women's Boot Cut & Flare Pants & Jumpsuits - Revenue: $163301
  9. Women's Skinny Pants & Jumpsuits - Revenue: $72770
  10. Women's Pantsuits - Revenue: $45745
  11. Women's Capris - Revenue: $40379
See all categories
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