How well Women's Boot Cut & Flare Pants & Jumpsuits sell on Poshmark

Analysis of Women's Boot Cut & Flare Pants & Jumpsuits on Poshmark: Revenue $126879, 4365 items sold, Avg Sale Price $29.07, 72.79 days to sell.

Table of Contents

Key Statistics for Women's Boot Cut & Flare Pants & Jumpsuits

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #108
  • Total Revenue: $126879.0
  • Items Sold: 4365
  • Average Sale Price: $29.07
  • Unique Sellers: 3808
  • Average Sales Per Day: 140.81
  • Average Days to Sell: 72.79 days

Overview of Women's Boot Cut & Flare Pants & Jumpsuits

The Women's Boot Cut & Flare Pants & Jumpsuits category generated a total revenue of $126879 with 4365 items sold at an average sale price of $29.07. The category has 3808 unique sellers and an average of 140.81 sales per day. Items in this category take an average of 72.79 days to sell.

Market Position of Women's Boot Cut & Flare Pants & Jumpsuits

This category ranks #108 in revenue, indicating a moderate position within the overall marketplace. The average sale price of $29.07 is lower than the marketplace average of $39.74 but higher than the median sale price of $23 for all categories. The category's average time to sell of 72.79 days is significantly faster than the overall average of 84.22 days (2021.17 hours).

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
105 Women's Strapless $131744 2173 $61 2064 146 days
106 Women's Prom Dresses $130737 1725 $76 1518 217 days
107 Women's Bodysuits $129794 5294 $25 4314 69 days
108 Women's Boot Cut & Flare Pants & Jumpsuits $126879 4365 $29 3808 73 days
109 Men's Lightweight & Shirt Jackets $124667 3104 $40 2780 91 days
110 Women's Utility Jackets $123757 3118 $40 2857 82 days
111 Men's Jewelry Accessories $121241 923 $131 578 170 days

Sales Performance of Women's Boot Cut & Flare Pants & Jumpsuits

The category's total revenue is notable, with a substantial number of items sold. The average sale price, while below the marketplace average, is above the median, suggesting that these items are moderately priced. A relatively high number of unique sellers (3808) indicates a competitive market. The quicker average days to sell (72.79 days) compared to the marketplace average (84.22 days) highlights efficient inventory turnover.

Top Brands in Women's Boot Cut & Flare Pants & Jumpsuits on Poshmark

  1. Free People - Revenue: $4898.00
  2. Anthropologie - Revenue: $2955.00
  3. Betabrand - Revenue: $2946.00

Top Sellers in Women's Boot Cut & Flare Pants & Jumpsuits on Poshmark

Here are the top-performing sellers in Women's Boot Cut & Flare Pants & Jumpsuits:

  1. annaya_f - Revenue: $771.00
  2. lnb222 - Revenue: $738.00
  3. turaroweltd - Revenue: $686.00

Recommendation 👍

The category shows strong sales volume and good turnover rates, despite a lower average sale price. The performance metrics suggest healthy demand and effective sales strategies.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on competitive pricing and maintaining high-quality listings to continue leveraging the faster turnover. Exploring promotions or bundling offers could further enhance sales performance.

Top Categories in Women

  1. Women's Bags - Revenue: $12488695
  2. Women's Shoes - Revenue: $12051060
  3. Women's Dresses - Revenue: $9969351

Related Subcategories to Women's Boot Cut & Flare Pants & Jumpsuits

  1. Women's Jumpsuits & Rompers - Revenue: $706969
  2. Women's Leggings - Revenue: $681109
  3. Women's Track Pants & Joggers - Revenue: $498368
  4. Women's Wide Leg Pants & Jumpsuits - Revenue: $402736
  5. Women's Ankle & Cropped Pants & Jumpsuits - Revenue: $261501
  6. Women's Straight Leg Pants & Jumpsuits - Revenue: $225915
  7. Women's Trousers - Revenue: $216478
  8. Women's Boot Cut & Flare Pants & Jumpsuits - Revenue: $126879
  9. Women's Skinny Pants & Jumpsuits - Revenue: $62354
  10. Women's Capris - Revenue: $51008
  11. Women's Pantsuits - Revenue: $42865
See all categories
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