How well Women's Ankle & Cropped Pants & Jumpsuits sell on Poshmark

Women's Ankle & Cropped Pants & Jumpsuits: 9444 items sold, $261,501 revenue, Avg Sale Price $27.69, Avg Days to Sell 58.89.

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Key Statistics for Women's Ankle & Cropped Pants & Jumpsuits

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #68
  • Total Revenue: $261501.0
  • Items Sold: 9444
  • Average Sale Price: $27.69
  • Unique Sellers: 7350
  • Average Sales Per Day: 304.65
  • Average Days to Sell: 58.89 days

Overview of Women's Ankle & Cropped Pants & Jumpsuits

The Women's Ankle & Cropped Pants & Jumpsuits category generated $261,501 in revenue from 9444 items sold, with an average sale price of $27.69 and an average sale time of 58.89 days. The category ranks #68 in revenue.

Market Position of Women's Ankle & Cropped Pants & Jumpsuits

With an average sale price of $27.69, this category is above the overall marketplace's median sale price of $23 but falls below the average revenue per sale of $39.74 across all categories. The category’s revenue rank of #68 indicates a mid-tier performance, but the number of unique sellers (7350) suggests high competition.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
65 Men's Watches $271102 1955 $139 1331 123 days
66 Women's Combat & Moto Boots $270406 3876 $70 3380 67 days
67 Women's Pajamas $263059 10262 $26 7941 94 days
68 Women's Ankle & Cropped Pants & Jumpsuits $261501 9444 $28 7350 59 days
69 Women's Puffers $260936 3565 $73 3236 91 days
70 Women's Crop Tops $259551 11557 $22 9269 80 days
71 Women's Scarves & Wraps $258014 5375 $48 4163 140 days

Sales Performance of Women's Ankle & Cropped Pants & Jumpsuits

The category shows consistent sales, averaging 304.65 items sold per day. However, the average days to sell (58.89 days) is significantly shorter than the marketplace average of 84.2 days (2021.17 hours). This indicates that items in this category tend to sell more quickly than the average across all categories. However, lower average sale prices reduce overall revenue potential.

Top Brands in Women's Ankle & Cropped Pants & Jumpsuits on Poshmark

  1. Athleta - Revenue: $11422.00
  2. Frank & Eileen - Revenue: $9898.00
  3. Anthropologie - Revenue: $9344.00

Top Sellers in Women's Ankle & Cropped Pants & Jumpsuits on Poshmark

Here are the top-performing sellers in Women's Ankle & Cropped Pants & Jumpsuits:

  1. lowfatpp - Revenue: $1650.00
  2. turaroweltd - Revenue: $1187.00
  3. fitstudio - Revenue: $783.00

Recommendation 👌

The category performs well in terms of sales velocity but lags behind in average revenue per sale compared to the marketplace average. While items sell relatively quickly, the lower price point limits income potential.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on bundling items or improving product presentation to increase perceived value and raise the average sale price. Consider offering limited-time promotions to capitalize on the fast turnover rate.

Top Categories in Women

  1. Women's Bags - Revenue: $12488695
  2. Women's Shoes - Revenue: $12051060
  3. Women's Dresses - Revenue: $9969351

Related Subcategories to Women's Ankle & Cropped Pants & Jumpsuits

  1. Women's Jumpsuits & Rompers - Revenue: $706969
  2. Women's Leggings - Revenue: $681109
  3. Women's Track Pants & Joggers - Revenue: $498368
  4. Women's Wide Leg Pants & Jumpsuits - Revenue: $402736
  5. Women's Ankle & Cropped Pants & Jumpsuits - Revenue: $261501
  6. Women's Straight Leg Pants & Jumpsuits - Revenue: $225915
  7. Women's Trousers - Revenue: $216478
  8. Women's Boot Cut & Flare Pants & Jumpsuits - Revenue: $126879
  9. Women's Skinny Pants & Jumpsuits - Revenue: $62354
  10. Women's Capris - Revenue: $51008
  11. Women's Pantsuits - Revenue: $42865
See all categories
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