How well Kids Pajamas sell on Poshmark

Kids Pajamas on Poshmark: $150K revenue, 8545 items sold, average sale price $17.61, 69.96 days to sell, ranked #41 in revenue.

Table of Contents

Key Statistics for Kids Pajamas

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #41
  • Total Revenue: $150489.0
  • Items Sold: 8545
  • Average Sale Price: $17.61
  • Unique Sellers: 5094
  • Average Sales Per Day: 275.65
  • Average Days to Sell: 69.96 days

Overview of Kids Pajamas

The Kids Pajamas category generated $150,489 in revenue from 8545 items sold, with an average sale price of $17.61. This category took an average of 69.96 days to sell an item, and there were 5094 unique sellers contributing to the sales volume. The category ranks #41 in revenue across Poshmark.

Market Position of Kids Pajamas

Kids Pajamas are priced significantly lower than the overall marketplace average, with an average sale price of $17.61 compared to the marketplace median of $23 and an average sale price of $39.74. The category's time to sell (69.96 days) is much faster than the platform-wide average of 84.21 days (2021.17 hours). Despite the lower price point, the category is able to maintain steady sales volume, indicating a strong demand from buyers seeking affordable children's clothing.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
38 Home Other $233220 7087 $33 5220 136 days
39 Women's Hair $196733 5063 $39 2976 154 days
40 Home Holiday $168778 5785 $29 3406 142 days
41 Kids Pajamas $150489 8545 $18 5094 70 days
42 Kids Matching Sets $145279 7354 $20 4880 115 days
43 Women's Bath & Body $139864 5626 $25 3176 162 days
44 Men's Other $127949 3185 $40 2481 97 days

Sales Performance of Kids Pajamas

With 8545 items sold and an average of 275.65 units sold daily, Kids Pajamas are moving at a healthy rate. However, the category's lower average sale price of $17.61 indicates that sellers are competing heavily on price. The category's quick turnover, at 69.96 days on average, is a positive indicator, especially when compared to the marketplace average of 84.21 days. The high participation of unique sellers (5094) suggests a crowded market, but one with active engagement. The category's revenue rank of #41 signals moderate performance in terms of overall revenue generation.

Top Brands in Kids Pajamas on Poshmark

  1. Little Sleepies - Revenue: $38197.00
  2. Kyte BABY - Revenue: $17732.00
  3. Hanna Andersson - Revenue: $16983.00

Top Sellers in Kids Pajamas on Poshmark

Here are the top-performing sellers in Kids Pajamas:

  1. caito23 - Revenue: $972.00
  2. kpcox14 - Revenue: $842.00
  3. teacherbush - Revenue: $759.00

Recommendation 👌

While the category shows strong sales volume and faster-than-average turnover, the low average sale price limits revenue potential. Sellers are likely facing significant price competition, which can reduce profitability. Additionally, the category's mid-tier revenue rank (#41) suggests room for growth but also indicates that it is not among the top revenue-generating categories.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should consider strategies to differentiate their products, such as offering premium or unique designs, bundling items, or focusing on highly in-demand brands. Price optimization and enhancing product descriptions with better photos and keywords could help increase the average sale price. Sellers may also want to experiment with seasonal promotions to capitalize on peak demand periods.

Categories related to Kids Pajamas

  1. Kids Shoes - Revenue: $771621
  2. Kids Shirts & Tops - Revenue: $434446
  3. Kids Jackets & Coats - Revenue: $372458
  4. Kids Toys - Revenue: $344761
  5. Kids Bottoms - Revenue: $315434
  6. Kids Dresses - Revenue: $288604
  7. Kids Pajamas - Revenue: $150489
  8. Kids Matching Sets - Revenue: $145279
  9. Kids One Pieces - Revenue: $118813
  10. Kids Accessories - Revenue: $117061
  11. Kids Costumes - Revenue: $107609
  12. Kids Other - Revenue: $88592
  13. Kids Swim - Revenue: $40197

Top Subcategories in Kids Pajamas

  1. Kids Pajama Sets - Revenue: $60342
  2. Kids Sleep Sacks - Revenue: $25914
  3. Kids Nightgowns - Revenue: $5723
See all categories
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