How well Women's Mini Skirts sell on Poshmark

Women's Mini Skirts on Poshmark generated $357,820 in revenue with 12,816 sold items, average sale price of $27.92, and 85.81 days to sell.

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Key Statistics for Women's Mini Skirts

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #51
  • Total Revenue: $357820.0
  • Items Sold: 12816
  • Average Sale Price: $27.92
  • Unique Sellers: 10681
  • Average Sales Per Day: 413.42
  • Average Days to Sell: 85.81 days

Overview of Women's Mini Skirts

The Women's Mini Skirts category on Poshmark generated $357,820 in total revenue over the past month, with 12,816 items sold at an average sale price of $27.92. There are 10,681 unique sellers, and the category ranks #4 in terms of revenue on the platform.

Market Position of Women's Mini Skirts

Women's Mini Skirts are performing well compared to other categories, ranking #4 in revenue. The average sale price of $27.92 is higher than the platform's median of $23, indicating demand for this category. However, with an average of 85.81 days to sell, the category is slower-moving than the platform's overall average of 84.22 days (2021.17 hours).

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
48 Women's One Pieces $375877 10067 $37 7531 117 days
49 Men's Polos $360471 14217 $25 8698 52 days
50 Kids Sneakers $360150 14743 $24 10614 36 days
51 Women's Mini Skirts $357820 12816 $28 10681 86 days
52 Men's Boots $351682 5070 $69 4214 85 days
53 Women's Wedding Dresses $350955 3101 $113 2771 145 days
54 Women's Tees - Long Sleeve Tops $326040 15413 $21 11479 80 days

Sales Performance of Women's Mini Skirts

The category shows strong sales volume with 12,816 items sold, but the average sale price of $27.92 is below the platform-wide average of $39.74. Despite this, the category still outperforms the median price of $23, suggesting that mini skirts are priced competitively. The average time to sell is 85.81 days, slightly longer than the platform average of 84.22 days, indicating a moderately slower turnover rate.

Top Brands in Women's Mini Skirts on Poshmark

  1. lululemon athletica - Revenue: $32332.00
  2. Free People - Revenue: $12927.00
  3. Abercrombie & Fitch - Revenue: $11650.00

Top Sellers in Women's Mini Skirts on Poshmark

Here are the top-performing sellers in Women's Mini Skirts:

  1. l_dr - Revenue: $2700.00
  2. stylist_d - Revenue: $1252.00
  3. cleomelo - Revenue: $1250.00

Recommendation 👌

While Women's Mini Skirts have high sales volume and rank well in terms of revenue, the lower-than-average sale price and longer time to sell suggest room for improvement in pricing strategy and inventory turnover.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on optimizing pricing by bundling multiple items to increase the average sale price. Implementing more seasonal and trend-focused promotions could help reduce the time to sell. Additionally, sellers could improve product visibility by using targeted keywords and offering discounts to incentivize faster sales.

Top Categories in Women

  1. Women's Bags - Revenue: $12488695
  2. Women's Shoes - Revenue: $12051060
  3. Women's Dresses - Revenue: $9969351

Related Subcategories to Women's Mini Skirts

  1. Women's Mini Skirts - Revenue: $357820
  2. Women's Midi Skirts - Revenue: $255373
  3. Women's Maxi Skirts - Revenue: $180740
  4. Women's Pencil Skirts - Revenue: $82013
  5. Women's Skirt Sets - Revenue: $75137
  6. Women's A-Line or Full Skirts - Revenue: $69862
  7. Women's Circle & Skater Skirts - Revenue: $13134
  8. Women's Asymmetrical Skirts - Revenue: $12433
  9. Women's High Low Skirts - Revenue: $6503
See all categories
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