How well Women's Phone Cases sell on Poshmark

Discover insights on Women's Phone Cases performance on Poshmark, including sales trends, pricing strategies, and market dynamics.

Women's Phone Cases Sales Stats on Poshmark

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #270
  • Total Revenue: $20212
  • Items Sold: 822
  • Average Sale Price: $25
  • Unique Sellers: 512
  • Average Sales Per Day: 27
  • Average Days to Sell: 696 days

How Women's Phone Cases Performs on Poshmark

The Women's Phone Cases category on Poshmark shows a total revenue of $20,212 from 822 items sold, averaging $24.59 per item. With 512 unique sellers, the category ranks #270 out of 610, indicating moderate competition and sales activity.

Positioned at rank #270, this category exhibits a niche market presence. The average sale price suggests it appeals to budget-conscious consumers while still maintaining a reasonable revenue stream for sellers.

Current trends show a growing interest in personalized and stylish phone cases, particularly among younger demographics. Future outlook suggests potential growth if sellers cater to these trends and utilize effective marketing strategies.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
267 Home Vases $21868 627 $35 478 125 days
268 Kids Overalls $21783 1245 $18 1074 63 days
269 Men's Briefcases $21281 157 $136 151 100 days
270 Women's Phone Cases $20212 822 $25 512 696 days
271 Electronics Rings $18966 101 $188 95 36 days
272 Men's Scarves $18494 379 $49 328 171 days
273 Kids Hats $18063 1303 $14 1161 168 days

Women's Phone Cases Pricing & Sales Data

The average sale price of $24.59 aligns with consumer expectations for phone accessories, suggesting a stable price point. However, there may be opportunities for price segmentation and premium offerings to attract higher-end buyers.

With an average sales rate of 26.52 items per day, the sales velocity is relatively moderate. The average days to sell at 696.25 indicates that items may linger longer than desired, suggesting potential overstock or a need for improved marketing efforts.

This category's performance is somewhat below average compared to other categories on Poshmark, as indicated by the rank of #270. Resellers may need to adopt unique selling propositions to stand out in this crowded space.

Top Performing Brands

  1. Bandolier - Revenue: $5314.00
  2. Loopy Case - Revenue: $1847.00
  3. kate spade - Revenue: $1463.00

Most Successful Sellers

  1. ashleypurkey - Revenue: $1840.00
  2. thedealmama - Revenue: $1449.00
  3. newburyclub - Revenue: $610.00

Should You Sell Women's Phone Cases on Poshmark? 👍

The presence of 512 unique sellers indicates a competitive landscape. However, the relatively slow sales cycle implies that there may be opportunities for new entrants who can effectively differentiate their offerings.

The category shows steady revenue and sales activity, indicating viable opportunities for resellers.

With an average sale price of $24.59 and steady sales, resellers can expect reasonable profit margins, especially with strategic pricing and marketing.

Key risks include market saturation, longer selling periods, and potential fluctuating demand based on consumer trends.

Tips for Selling Women's Phone Cases

  • 1. Optimize listings with high-quality images and detailed descriptions that highlight unique features.
  • 2. Leverage social media platforms to market your phone cases and drive traffic to your Poshmark store.
  • 3. Experiment with pricing strategies, including promotional discounts or bundles, to attract buyers.
  • 4. Stay updated on market trends and consumer preferences to adjust inventory accordingly.
  • 5. Engage with the Poshmark community by sharing and following other sellers to increase visibility.

Top Categories in Women

  1. Women's Shoes - Revenue: $12948636
  2. Women's Bags - Revenue: $12832520
  3. Women's Dresses - Revenue: $9346787

Related Subcategories to Women's Phone Cases

  1. Women's Sunglasses - Revenue: $679056
  2. Women's Watches - Revenue: $347700
  3. Women's Belts - Revenue: $340950
  4. Women's Scarves & Wraps - Revenue: $316736
  5. Women's Hats - Revenue: $288841
  6. Women's Key & Card Holders - Revenue: $169513
  7. Women's Glasses - Revenue: $122337
  8. Women's Hair Accessories - Revenue: $92097
  9. Women's Hosiery & Socks - Revenue: $59178
  10. Women's Gloves & Mittens - Revenue: $28126
  11. Women's Phone Cases - Revenue: $20212
  12. Women's Umbrellas - Revenue: $5453
  13. Women's Laptop Cases - Revenue: $5223
See all categories
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