How well Women's Tees - Short Sleeve Tops sell on Poshmark

Discover insights on Women's Short Sleeve Tops on Poshmark, including sales trends, pricing strategies, and market dynamics for resellers.

Women's Tees - Short Sleeve Tops Sales Stats on Poshmark

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #33
  • Total Revenue: $532885
  • Items Sold: 27576
  • Average Sale Price: $19
  • Unique Sellers: 19448
  • Average Sales Per Day: 890
  • Average Days to Sell: 111 days

How Women's Tees - Short Sleeve Tops Performs on Poshmark

The Women's Tees - Short Sleeve Tops category has generated significant revenue of $532,885 with 27,576 items sold, indicating robust market activity. The average sale price of $19.32 shows a solid entry point for resellers.

Ranking at #33 out of 610 categories demonstrates a strong presence in the Poshmark marketplace. The volume of unique sellers (19,448) indicates a competitive yet thriving market for women's tees.

Current trends show a growing preference for sustainable and vintage styles in women's apparel. Future outlook suggests that casual styles will remain popular, especially as remote work culture persists. Resellers should curate their selections accordingly.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
30 Women's Mules & Clogs $585861 12039 $49 9838 61 days
31 Women's Track Pants & Joggers $565119 18665 $30 13696 51 days
32 Women's Straight Leg Jeans $548983 17733 $31 12401 48 days
33 Women's Tees - Short Sleeve Tops $532885 27576 $19 19448 111 days
34 Women's Button Down Shirts $530248 21080 $25 15391 62 days
35 Women's Satchels $516786 4629 $112 3657 63 days
36 Men's Sweatshirts & Hoodies $501656 16313 $31 10775 54 days

Women's Tees - Short Sleeve Tops Pricing & Sales Data

The average sale price of $19.32 suggests a mid-range pricing strategy, appealing to a broad audience. Resellers may benefit from pricing items slightly below this average to increase sell-through rates, especially for popular brands.

With an average sales per day of 889.55 and an average days to sell of 111.11, this category has a moderate sales velocity. The high number of items sold indicates consistent demand, but resellers should focus on seasonal trends to optimize turnover.

Compared to other categories, the Women's Tees - Short Sleeve Tops rank favorably, with a solid sales volume and revenue. However, resellers must remain vigilant about emerging fashion trends and seasonal demands to remain competitive.

Top Performing Brands

  1. lululemon athletica - Revenue: $26231.00
  2. Magnolia Pearl - Revenue: $12720.00
  3. Daydreamer - Revenue: $11437.00

Most Successful Sellers

  1. sparklingmine - Revenue: $8801.00
  2. cocotreats - Revenue: $2879.00
  3. finandmo - Revenue: $2515.00

Should You Sell Women's Tees - Short Sleeve Tops on Poshmark? 👍

The presence of 19,448 unique sellers indicates a competitive environment. However, this also means a diverse range of offerings, which can be beneficial for buyers. Sellers should differentiate their listings through quality images, detailed descriptions, and competitive pricing.

The strong sales figures and category ranking indicate a healthy market for reselling women's short sleeve tops.

Given the average sale price and sales volume, resellers can expect a reasonable ROI, especially if they source items at low cost.

Market saturation and changing fashion trends pose risks. Resellers must stay attuned to buyer preferences to mitigate these risks.

Tips for Selling Women's Tees - Short Sleeve Tops

  • 1. Research trending styles and brands in women's tees to curate an attractive inventory.
  • 2. Use high-quality images and detailed descriptions to enhance listings' appeal.
  • 3. Monitor competitor pricing and adjust your prices strategically to stay competitive.
  • 4. Leverage seasonal marketing strategies to boost visibility during peak selling times.
  • 5. Engage with the Poshmark community through sharing and following to increase your profile's visibility.

Top Categories in Women

  1. Women's Shoes - Revenue: $12948636
  2. Women's Bags - Revenue: $12832520
  3. Women's Dresses - Revenue: $9346787

Related Subcategories to Women's Tees - Short Sleeve Tops

  1. Women's Blouses - Revenue: $1221183
  2. Women's Sweatshirts & Hoodies - Revenue: $994018
  3. Women's Tees - Short Sleeve Tops - Revenue: $532885
  4. Women's Button Down Shirts - Revenue: $530248
  5. Women's Tank Tops - Revenue: $445726
  6. Women's Tees - Long Sleeve Tops - Revenue: $379386
  7. Women's Crop Tops - Revenue: $250808
  8. Women's Tunics - Revenue: $156068
  9. Women's Bodysuits - Revenue: $138522
  10. Women's Camisoles - Revenue: $48969
  11. Women's Jerseys - Revenue: $28162
  12. Women's Muscle Tees - Revenue: $11589
See all categories
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