How well Women's Maxi Skirts sell on Poshmark

Women's Maxi Skirts on Poshmark: 4931 sold, $180740 revenue, $36.65 avg price, 95.44 days to sell, ranked #5.

Table of Contents

Key Statistics for Women's Maxi Skirts

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #91
  • Total Revenue: $180740.0
  • Items Sold: 4931
  • Average Sale Price: $36.65
  • Unique Sellers: 4384
  • Average Sales Per Day: 159.06
  • Average Days to Sell: 95.44 days

Overview of Women's Maxi Skirts

Women's Maxi Skirts generated $180740 from 4931 items sold with an average sale price of $36.65. The category has 4384 unique sellers and averages 159.06 sales per day with an average of 95.44 days to sell.

Market Position of Women's Maxi Skirts

The category ranks #5 in revenue. Despite a lower average sale price than the marketplace average of $39.74, it performs well above the median sale price of $23. The average time to sell of 95.44 days is significantly faster than the marketplace average of approximately 84.22 days.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
88 Women's Wedges $194780 5513 $35 4978 111 days
89 Men's Chinos & Khakis $190683 7081 $27 4981 66 days
90 Men's Backpacks $190032 2383 $80 2033 117 days
91 Women's Maxi Skirts $180740 4931 $37 4384 95 days
92 Women's V-Necks $165498 6157 $27 5255 83 days
93 Women's Key & Card Holders $161266 3400 $47 2471 58 days
94 Men's Crewneck Sweaters $160766 4274 $38 3640 89 days

Sales Performance of Women's Maxi Skirts

The category's total revenue of $180740 and 4931 items sold indicate strong interest and volume. The average sale price of $36.65 is competitive, and the 95.44 days to sell is relatively quick compared to the marketplace average of 84.22 days. This suggests efficient turnover and high demand.

Top Brands in Women's Maxi Skirts on Poshmark

  1. Free People - Revenue: $15969.00
  2. Zenana Outfitters - Revenue: $10617.00
  3. Anthropologie - Revenue: $9968.00

Top Sellers in Women's Maxi Skirts on Poshmark

Here are the top-performing sellers in Women's Maxi Skirts:

  1. 31summers - Revenue: $10605.00
  2. anastasiiabrink - Revenue: $1685.00
  3. winemakersposh - Revenue: $1081.00

Recommendation 👍

The category shows strong sales volume, competitive pricing, and faster-than-average turnover times. These factors contribute to its high revenue rank and indicate a healthy, well-performing category.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should continue to price competitively around the $36-$37 range and maintain high product visibility to capitalize on quick turnover rates. Focus on seasonal trends and high-quality listings to sustain and potentially improve sales performance.

Top Categories in Women

  1. Women's Bags - Revenue: $12488695
  2. Women's Shoes - Revenue: $12051060
  3. Women's Dresses - Revenue: $9969351

Related Subcategories to Women's Maxi Skirts

  1. Women's Mini Skirts - Revenue: $357820
  2. Women's Midi Skirts - Revenue: $255373
  3. Women's Maxi Skirts - Revenue: $180740
  4. Women's Pencil Skirts - Revenue: $82013
  5. Women's Skirt Sets - Revenue: $75137
  6. Women's A-Line or Full Skirts - Revenue: $69862
  7. Women's Circle & Skater Skirts - Revenue: $13134
  8. Women's Asymmetrical Skirts - Revenue: $12433
  9. Women's High Low Skirts - Revenue: $6503
See all categories
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