How well Women's Overalls sell on Poshmark

Discover insights and trends in Women's Overalls on Poshmark. Analyze sales performance, pricing strategies, and market dynamics.

Women's Overalls Sales Stats on Poshmark

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #200
  • Total Revenue: $47100
  • Items Sold: 1287
  • Average Sale Price: $37
  • Unique Sellers: 1196
  • Average Sales Per Day: 42
  • Average Days to Sell: 55 days

How Women's Overalls Performs on Poshmark

Women's Overalls on Poshmark generated $47,100 in revenue from 1,287 items sold, indicating a healthy market with an average sale price of $36.60. The category ranks #200 out of 610, suggesting moderate popularity among users.

Ranking at #200 out of 610 indicates that while this category has decent sales performance, it is not among the top-selling categories. However, with nearly 1,300 items sold, it shows that there is steady demand which can be capitalized on by focused marketing and inventory management.

Current trends show a growing interest in sustainable fashion and vintage styles, which can influence buyer preferences. Future outlook looks promising, especially if sellers can align their inventory with trending styles and sustainable practices.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
197 Women's Foundation Makeup $48344 2063 $23 1303 130 days
198 Home Mugs $47646 2553 $19 1751 94 days
199 Kids Tees - Long Sleeve Shirts & Tops $47319 3776 $13 2577 89 days
200 Women's Overalls $47100 1287 $37 1196 55 days
201 Home Water Bottles & Thermoses $46849 1273 $37 878 84 days
202 Men's V-Neck Sweaters $46482 1529 $30 1378 108 days
203 Kids Sweatpants & Joggers $45914 3018 $15 2254 65 days

Women's Overalls Pricing & Sales Data

The average sale price of $36.60 suggests a mid-range pricing strategy. Pricing may appeal to budget-conscious consumers while still allowing for decent profit margins. Evaluating competitors' pricing strategies can help identify opportunities for both premium and discount pricing.

With an average of 41.52 sales per day and an average time to sell of 54.51 days, the sales velocity shows that while items sell relatively steadily, there is room for improvement in turnover speed. Strategies to reduce time to sell could include optimizing listings and enhancing promotional efforts.

Compared to other categories on Poshmark, Women's Overalls maintain a respectable volume of sales but are not at the very top. Categories with higher ranks may exhibit faster turnover rates or higher average prices, suggesting potential areas for improvement in positioning within the overall marketplace.

Top Performing Brands

  1. Free People - Revenue: $7816.00
  2. We The Free - Revenue: $2812.00
  3. Old Navy - Revenue: $2269.00

Most Successful Sellers

  1. thefish713 - Revenue: $825.00
  2. angelcantrell73 - Revenue: $470.00
  3. landisanita - Revenue: $457.00

Should You Sell Women's Overalls on Poshmark? 👍

The presence of 1,196 unique sellers indicates a competitive landscape. Resellers need to differentiate their inventory, possibly through unique styles, high-quality images, and engaging descriptions to stand out in this crowded market.

The strong sales figures combined with a healthy average sale price suggest that there is a viable market for Women's Overalls.

With an average sale price of $36.60, sellers can achieve reasonable profit margins, particularly if they source items at lower costs or offer unique selections.

Key risks include market saturation, changing fashion trends, and potential fluctuations in consumer demand. Sellers should be cautious of over-investing in inventory that may not sell.

Tips for Selling Women's Overalls

  • 1. Optimize your Poshmark listings with high-quality images and detailed descriptions to enhance visibility and attract buyers.
  • 2. Stay on top of fashion trends by researching popular styles and incorporating them into your inventory to meet demand.
  • 3. Engage with the Poshmark community through sharing and following to increase visibility and drive sales.
  • 4. Experiment with pricing strategies, such as bundling or offering discounts on multiple purchases, to encourage higher volume sales.
  • 5. Monitor competitor listings regularly to adjust your pricing and inventory strategy accordingly.

Top Categories in Women

  1. Women's Shoes - Revenue: $12948636
  2. Women's Bags - Revenue: $12832520
  3. Women's Dresses - Revenue: $9346787

Related Subcategories to Women's Overalls

  1. Women's Flare & Wide Leg Jeans - Revenue: $622438
  2. Women's Straight Leg Jeans - Revenue: $548983
  3. Women's Skinny Jeans - Revenue: $367911
  4. Women's High Rise Jeans - Revenue: $317788
  5. Women's Boot Cut Jeans - Revenue: $311971
  6. Women's Ankle & Cropped Jeans - Revenue: $272021
  7. Women's Boyfriend Jeans - Revenue: $87549
  8. Women's Overalls - Revenue: $47100
  9. Women's Jeggings - Revenue: $42432
See all categories
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