How well We The Free sells on Poshmark

We The Free achieved $94,694 in revenue with 2,675 items sold on Poshmark last month. Average price: $35.40, rank: 153.

Key Statistics for We The Free

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #153
  • Total Revenue: $94694
  • Items Sold: 2675
  • Average Sale Price: $35
  • Unique Sellers: 2164
  • Average Sales Per Day: 86
  • Average Days to Sell: 15 days

Overview of We The Free

We The Free generated $94,694 in revenue from selling 2,675 items last month, with an average price of $35.40 per item. The brand had 2,164 unique sellers and ranked 153 in the marketplace.

Market Position of We The Free

We The Free's average price of $35.40 is below the overall marketplace average revenue per sale of $39.74 but above the median sale price of $23. The brand's average days to sell is significantly lower at 15.32 days compared to the overall average of 2021.17 hours (approximately 84 days), indicating a faster turnover rate.

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
150 St. John $97070 1390 $70 1174 32 days
151 Harley-davidson $96344 3365 $29 2526 12 days
152 Manolo Blahnik $95115 662 $144 606 59 days
153 We The Free $94694 2675 $35 2164 15 days
154 Talbots $93612 4465 $21 3304 11 days
155 Judy Blue $92951 3629 $26 2523 13 days
156 Prana $92407 4053 $23 3212 90 days

Sales Performance of We The Free

With 86.29 average sales per day and a total of 2,675 items sold, We The Free demonstrated solid sales volume. The total revenue of $94,694 suggests strong demand, despite the average price being slightly lower than the overall marketplace average. The faster turnover rate is a positive indicator of the brand's desirability and market efficiency.

Top Sellers of We The Free on Poshmark

The top three sellers, shelbycurt ($1,786), karenll925 ($1,748), and mrs_poshalot ($1,244), collectively contributed a significant portion of the total revenue. These sellers likely have effective listing, pricing, and marketing strategies that could serve as models for other sellers.

Top Sellers List

  1. shelbycurt - Revenue: $1786.00
  2. karenll925 - Revenue: $1748.00
  3. mrs_poshalot - Revenue: $1244.00

Recommendation 👍

We The Free shows strong market performance with quick turnover rates and substantial sales volume. The brand's average price is competitive, and the top sellers are achieving notable revenue.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on maintaining competitive pricing around the $35 mark to align with successful sales patterns. Emulating the strategies of top sellers, such as optimizing listings and leveraging promotions, could further enhance sales performance. Additionally, ensuring quick response times and efficient shipping could sustain the brand's fast turnover rate.

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