How well Old Navy sells on Poshmark

Old Navy sales on Poshmark: $229951 revenue, 18447 items sold, avg price $12.47, 12965 sellers, avg 67.46 days to sell.

Key Statistics for Old Navy

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #58
  • Total Revenue: $229951
  • Items Sold: 18447
  • Average Sale Price: $12
  • Unique Sellers: 12965
  • Average Sales Per Day: 595
  • Average Days to Sell: 67 days

Overview of Old Navy

Old Navy generated $229951 in revenue with 18447 items sold, averaging $12.47 per item. 12965 unique sellers contributed to these sales, with an average sales per day of 595.06.

Market Position of Old Navy

Old Navy ranked 58th last month on Poshmark. The brand's average price per item ($12.47) is significantly lower than the marketplace average of $39.74, and its items also sell much faster (67.46 days vs. 2021.17 hours).

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
55 Under Armour $239678 13897 $17 9808 64 days
56 Bottega Veneta $236172 766 $308 651 47 days
57 Versace $231909 1499 $155 1150 23 days
58 Old Navy $229951 18447 $12 12965 67 days
59 Doen $225345 1717 $131 1217 18 days
60 Chloe $224844 1046 $215 898 41 days
61 Jordan $222840 4095 $54 2970 6 days

Sales Performance of Old Navy

Old Navy's total revenue was $229951 from 18447 items, indicating a high volume of low-priced items. Compared to the marketplace average, Old Navy's average price is much lower, but its quicker sales cycle suggests strong demand within its price range.

Top Sellers of Old Navy on Poshmark

Top sellers in Old Navy products were fashion_etc_etc ($1925.00), klawhiteard ($762.00), and megmcgie ($646.00). These sellers likely focus on high-volume, low-priced items to achieve their sales figures.

Top Sellers List

  1. fashion_etc_etc - Revenue: $1925.00
  2. klawhiteard - Revenue: $762.00
  3. megmcgie - Revenue: $646.00

Recommendation 👌

While Old Navy shows strong sales volume and a faster sales cycle, the low average price per item limits revenue potential compared to other brands.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should continue to focus on high-volume, low-priced strategies but explore bundling items to increase average sale price. Additionally, leveraging promotions and seasonal trends can help boost sales further.

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