How well Women's High Low Dresses sell on Poshmark

Discover insights on Women's High Low Dresses on Poshmark. Analyze sales trends, pricing strategies, and seller dynamics to boost your reselling success.

Women's High Low Dresses Sales Stats on Poshmark

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #196
  • Total Revenue: $48492
  • Items Sold: 1118
  • Average Sale Price: $43
  • Unique Sellers: 1052
  • Average Sales Per Day: 36
  • Average Days to Sell: 168 days

How Women's High Low Dresses Performs on Poshmark

Women's High Low Dresses on Poshmark have generated a total revenue of $48,492 from 1,118 items sold, with an average sale price of $43.37. The category ranks #196 out of 610, indicating a moderate level of demand and competition.

This category holds a decent position within the Poshmark market, ranking in the top third of categories. While not the highest-ranked, its consistent sales indicate a stable demand among buyers.

{"currentTrends":"There is a growing interest in versatile and stylish dresses, particularly those suitable for various occasions, which aligns with the High Low style.","futureOutlook":"As fashion continues to lean towards comfortable and adaptable styles, this category may experience growth in interest and sales, particularly during seasonal transitions."}

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
193 Women's Backless $49792 839 $59 812 126 days
194 Kids Action Figures & Playsets $49074 2274 $22 1536 79 days
195 Women's Camisoles $48969 2037 $24 1795 110 days
196 Women's High Low Dresses $48492 1118 $43 1052 168 days
197 Women's Foundation Makeup $48344 2063 $23 1303 130 days
198 Home Mugs $47646 2553 $19 1751 94 days
199 Kids Tees - Long Sleeve Shirts & Tops $47319 3776 $13 2577 89 days

Women's High Low Dresses Pricing & Sales Data

{"averageSalePrice":43.37,"priceRange":"Considering the average sale price, this category appears to be positioned in the affordable to mid-range market. Sellers may focus on pricing competitively within this range to attract buyers.","pricingStrategy":"To maximize profits, sellers should consider bundling items or offering discounts on higher-value pieces to entice buyers."}

{"averageSalesPerDay":36.06,"averageDaysToSell":168.46,"salesTrends":"The average sales per day indicates healthy activity, but the long average days to sell suggests that items may be priced too high or that buyers are taking their time to make purchasing decisions."}

{"categoryRank":196,"comparison":"Compared to other categories, Women's High Low Dresses show moderate performance. Categories ranked higher may be experiencing faster sell-through rates or lower average days to sell."}

Top Performing Brands

  1. Lanvin - Revenue: $2850.00
  2. Mac Duggal - Revenue: $2116.00
  3. LuLaRoe - Revenue: $1492.00

Most Successful Sellers

  1. ggh2016 - Revenue: $2850.00
  2. yazdorta - Revenue: $750.00
  3. betul_dagtekin - Revenue: $400.00

Should You Sell Women's High Low Dresses on Poshmark? 👍

{"uniqueSellers":1052,"competitionLevel":"With over 1,000 unique sellers, competition is significant. This necessitates strong branding and effective marketing strategies for individual sellers to stand out."}

Despite a slower sell-through rate, the revenue generated and consistent demand indicate a viable market for resellers willing to invest the time.

With a solid average sale price and consistent demand, resellers can expect a reasonable ROI, especially if they adopt effective pricing strategies.

Key risks include high competition, potential market saturation, and fluctuations in buyer preferences.

Tips for Selling Women's High Low Dresses

  • 1. Optimize listings with high-quality images and detailed descriptions that highlight the unique features of each dress.
  • 2. Engage with potential buyers by sharing listings, offering bundle deals, or creating promotional offers to encourage faster sales.
  • 3. Conduct regular market research to adjust pricing based on trends and competitor listings, ensuring competitive positioning.
  • 4. Leverage social media for marketing, showcasing outfits and styling tips that integrate High Low Dresses to attract a broader audience.
  • 5. Monitor inventory levels closely to identify fast-selling items and adjust sourcing strategies accordingly.

Top Categories in Women

  1. Women's Shoes - Revenue: $12948636
  2. Women's Bags - Revenue: $12832520
  3. Women's Dresses - Revenue: $9346787

Related Subcategories to Women's High Low Dresses

  1. Women's Midi Dresses - Revenue: $1918246
  2. Women's Mini Dresses - Revenue: $1807264
  3. Women's Maxi Dresses - Revenue: $1780052
  4. Women's Wedding Dresses - Revenue: $338760
  5. Women's Long Sleeve Dresses - Revenue: $331893
  6. Women's Prom Dresses - Revenue: $146248
  7. Women's Strapless - Revenue: $131144
  8. Women's One Shoulder Dresses - Revenue: $83438
  9. Women's Asymmetrical Dresses - Revenue: $58680
  10. Women's Backless - Revenue: $49792
  11. Women's High Low Dresses - Revenue: $48492
See all categories
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