How well Kids Action Figures & Playsets sell on Poshmark

Kids Action Figures & Playsets on Poshmark: $49,243 revenue, 2286 items sold, ASP $21.54, avg 72 days to sell, #191 rank.

Table of Contents

Key Statistics for Kids Action Figures & Playsets

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #191
  • Total Revenue: $49243.0
  • Items Sold: 2286
  • Average Sale Price: $21.54
  • Unique Sellers: 1509
  • Average Sales Per Day: 73.74
  • Average Days to Sell: 71.67 days

Overview of Kids Action Figures & Playsets

Kids Action Figures & Playsets generated $49,243 in revenue from 2286 items sold, averaging a sale price of $21.54. The category has 1509 unique sellers and an average sales per day of 73.74, taking about 71.67 days to sell an item.

Market Position of Kids Action Figures & Playsets

This category ranks #191 in revenue among all categories on Poshmark. The average sale price ($21.54) is below the overall marketplace average ($39.74), and the median sale price ($21.54) is also below the overall median ($23). Items in this category sell faster (71.67 days) compared to the marketplace average (84.2 days).

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
188 Women's Hosiery & Socks $50651 2830 $18 1857 212 days
189 Men's Dress $50439 1797 $28 1500 118 days
190 Kids Bags $50171 1814 $28 1584 100 days
191 Kids Action Figures & Playsets $49243 2286 $22 1509 72 days
192 Women's Foundation Makeup $47882 2045 $23 1296 130 days
193 Women's High Low Dresses $47822 1241 $39 1150 138 days
194 Women's Camisoles $47547 2059 $23 1820 113 days

Sales Performance of Kids Action Figures & Playsets

The category's total revenue of $49,243 and 2286 items sold indicate a high volume of low-priced items. With 1509 unique sellers, the market is competitive but shows a steady demand. The average days to sell is relatively quick at 71.67 days compared to the overall marketplace average of 2021.17 hours (84.2 days).

Top Brands in Kids Action Figures & Playsets on Poshmark

  1. Fisher-Price - Revenue: $8499.00
  2. Funko - Revenue: $6994.00
  3. Disney - Revenue: $5454.00

Top Sellers in Kids Action Figures & Playsets on Poshmark

Here are the top-performing sellers in Kids Action Figures & Playsets:

  1. queenfoofighter - Revenue: $1128.00
  2. destejdestej - Revenue: $734.00
  3. inwoodtradingco - Revenue: $498.00

Recommendation 👌

While the category shows a good sales volume and a relatively quick turnover, the lower average sale price compared to the marketplace average indicates potential for better pricing strategies.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should consider bundling items to increase the average sale price, optimize listings with better photos and descriptions to attract higher offers, and explore targeted promotions to boost visibility.

Top Categories in Kids

  1. Kids Shoes - Revenue: $771621
  2. Kids Shirts & Tops - Revenue: $434446
  3. Kids Jackets & Coats - Revenue: $372458

Related Subcategories to Kids Action Figures & Playsets

  1. Kids Stuffed Animals - Revenue: $98753
  2. Kids Dolls & Accessories - Revenue: $86375
  3. Kids Action Figures & Playsets - Revenue: $49243
  4. Kids Building Sets & Blocks - Revenue: $31515
  5. Kids Cars & Vehicles - Revenue: $10281
  6. Kids Learning Toys - Revenue: $10204
  7. Kids Trading Cards - Revenue: $7683
  8. Kids Puzzles & Games - Revenue: $5694
See all categories
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