How well Kids Tees - Long Sleeve Shirts & Tops sell on Poshmark

Kids Tees - Long Sleeve Shirts & Tops on Poshmark: $47010 revenue, 3864 items sold, $12.17 avg sale price, 93.29 avg days to sell.

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Key Statistics for Kids Tees - Long Sleeve Shirts & Tops

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #196
  • Total Revenue: $47010.0
  • Items Sold: 3864
  • Average Sale Price: $12.17
  • Unique Sellers: 2629
  • Average Sales Per Day: 124.65
  • Average Days to Sell: 93.29 days

Overview of Kids Tees - Long Sleeve Shirts & Tops

Kids Tees - Long Sleeve Shirts & Tops generated $47010 in revenue with 3864 items sold, averaging $12.17 per sale. There are 2629 unique sellers, and items take an average of 93.29 days to sell.

Market Position of Kids Tees - Long Sleeve Shirts & Tops

This category ranks #54 in revenue on Poshmark. The average sale price ($12.17) is significantly lower than the marketplace average ($39.74), and the time to sell (93.29 days) is shorter compared to the overall average (2021.17 hours or 84.22 days).

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
193 Women's High Low Dresses $47822 1241 $39 1150 138 days
194 Women's Camisoles $47547 2059 $23 1820 113 days
195 Home Mugs $47185 2570 $18 1720 87 days
196 Kids Tees - Long Sleeve Shirts & Tops $47010 3864 $12 2629 93 days
197 Men's Slim Straight Jeans $46921 1643 $29 1307 57 days
198 Men's Cardigan Sweaters $45813 947 $48 878 89 days
199 Kids Sweatpants & Joggers $44971 2944 $15 2194 63 days

Sales Performance of Kids Tees - Long Sleeve Shirts & Tops

The category shows high sales volume with 3864 items sold and an average of 124.65 sales per day. Despite the low average sale price, the high frequency of sales indicates steady demand. The average days to sell is slightly higher than the marketplace average, suggesting room for improvement in turnover rate.

Top Brands in Kids Tees - Long Sleeve Shirts & Tops on Poshmark

  1. Mini Boden - Revenue: $3517.00
  2. Under Armour - Revenue: $2402.00
  3. Hanna Andersson - Revenue: $1925.00

Top Sellers in Kids Tees - Long Sleeve Shirts & Tops on Poshmark

Here are the top-performing sellers in Kids Tees - Long Sleeve Shirts & Tops:

  1. momandpopskids - Revenue: $339.00
  2. happy_shopping9 - Revenue: $282.00
  3. vvanella1 - Revenue: $206.00

Recommendation 👌

While the category has a high sales volume and steady demand, the low average sale price and slightly higher days to sell compared to the marketplace average indicate mixed performance.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on increasing the average sale price by offering bundled deals or premium items. Enhancing product listings with better photos and descriptions may also reduce the average days to sell.

Top Categories in Kids

  1. Kids Shoes - Revenue: $771621
  2. Kids Shirts & Tops - Revenue: $434446
  3. Kids Jackets & Coats - Revenue: $372458

Related Subcategories to Kids Tees - Long Sleeve Shirts & Tops

  1. Kids Sweatshirts & Hoodies - Revenue: $95645
  2. Kids Tees - Short Sleeve Shirts & Tops - Revenue: $71672
  3. Kids Sweaters - Revenue: $64185
  4. Kids Tees - Long Sleeve Shirts & Tops - Revenue: $47010
  5. Kids Jerseys - Revenue: $30746
  6. Kids Button Down Shirts - Revenue: $29038
  7. Kids Polos - Revenue: $23257
  8. Kids Blouses - Revenue: $7863
  9. Kids Tank Tops - Revenue: $7691
See all categories
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