How well Home Wall Decor sells on Poshmark

Home Wall Decor on Poshmark generated $42,282 from 1,426 sales, with an average sale price of $29.65, ranking #63 in revenue.

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Key Statistics for Home Wall Decor

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #63
  • Total Revenue: $42282.0
  • Items Sold: 1426
  • Average Sale Price: $29.65
  • Unique Sellers: 1116
  • Average Sales Per Day: 46.0
  • Average Days to Sell: 185.2 days

Overview of Home Wall Decor

Home Wall Decor generated a total revenue of $42,282 from 1,426 items sold in the past month, with an average sale price of $29.65. The category has 1,116 unique sellers and an average of 46 sales per day. Average days to sell items in this category is 185.20, and the category ranks #63 in revenue across the marketplace.

Market Position of Home Wall Decor

Home Wall Decor's average sale price of $29.65 is slightly higher than the median sale price for all categories ($23), but it falls below the marketplace average revenue per sale of $39.74. The category ranks moderately in revenue, being at position #63, which places it in a mid-tier position among other categories on Poshmark.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
60 Electronics Computers, Laptops & Parts $45569 539 $85 498 132 days
61 Electronics Tablets & Accessories $44980 555 $81 493 90 days
62 Home Storage & Organization $42763 1607 $27 1301 194 days
63 Home Wall Decor $42282 1426 $30 1116 185 days
64 Pets Dog $40485 1418 $29 1081 192 days
65 Kids Swim $40197 2461 $16 1980 173 days
66 Electronics Portable Audio & Video $28399 464 $61 415 112 days

Sales Performance of Home Wall Decor

The category's sales volume is relatively high, with 1,426 items sold, and the average sales per day of 46 indicates a consistent demand. However, the average days to sell (185.20) is faster than the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours (~84 days), indicating that while items are relatively slow to move, they still perform better than the platform-wide average. Revenue per item is lower than the overall marketplace average, but the category benefits from a large number of transactions.

Top Brands in Home Wall Decor on Poshmark

  1. Anthropologie - Revenue: $5817.00
  2. Vintage - Revenue: $4669.00
  3. Serena & Lily - Revenue: $2138.00

Top Sellers in Home Wall Decor on Poshmark

Here are the top-performing sellers in Home Wall Decor:

  1. willow593 - Revenue: $1773.00
  2. scottadelman - Revenue: $1414.00
  3. thecoastalhomes - Revenue: $797.00

Recommendation 👌

The category performs moderately well in terms of volume and outpaces the marketplace in terms of speed to sell, but its lower-than-average revenue per sale limits its overall profitability. The mid-tier revenue rank (#63) and lower-than-average sale price suggest it is not a top-performing category but holds steady demand.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on optimizing listings for higher-value items to increase the average sale price. Additionally, offering bundles or discounts for higher-priced décor could help boost overall revenue. Leveraging social media marketing to highlight unique or trending wall decor items may also increase visibility and demand.

Categories related to Home Wall Decor

  1. Home Bedding - Revenue: $402938
  2. Home Accents - Revenue: $359968
  3. Home Dining - Revenue: $355370
  4. Home Kitchen - Revenue: $317006
  5. Home Other - Revenue: $233220
  6. Home Holiday - Revenue: $168778
  7. Home Art - Revenue: $77668
  8. Home Office - Revenue: $71601
  9. Home Bath - Revenue: $59156
  10. Home Storage & Organization - Revenue: $42763
  11. Home Wall Decor - Revenue: $42282
  12. Home Games - Revenue: $24598
  13. Home Party Supplies - Revenue: $7095
  14. Home Design - Revenue: $6481

Top Subcategories in Home Wall Decor

  1. Home Art & Decals - Revenue: $9433
  2. Home Wallpaper Wall Decor - Revenue: $7187
See all categories
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