How well Men's Sweaters sell on Poshmark

Men's sweaters on Poshmark generated $477,828 with 12,906 items sold, ranking #9 in revenue. Average sale price: $37.02, selling in 86 days.

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Key Statistics for Men's Sweaters

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #24
  • Total Revenue: $477828.0
  • Items Sold: 12906
  • Average Sale Price: $37.02
  • Unique Sellers: 9757
  • Average Sales Per Day: 416.32
  • Average Days to Sell: 86.01 days

Overview of Men's Sweaters

The Men's Sweaters category generated total revenue of $477,828 from 12,906 items sold. The average sale price was $37.02, and items took an average of 86 days to sell. The category ranked #9 in revenue across the marketplace.

Market Position of Men's Sweaters

Men's Sweaters performed slightly below the marketplace average in terms of revenue per sale, with an average sale price of $37.02 compared to the overall $39.74. However, it far exceeds the marketplace median sale price of $23, indicating that this category has higher-value items. The time to sell was significantly shorter, taking 86 days compared to the marketplace average of 84.22 days (2021.17 hours). The high number of unique sellers (9757) and daily sales (416.32) suggest healthy competition but also a steady demand in the marketplace.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
21 Women's Other $726281 14394 $50 10240 93 days
22 Men's Bags $640237 6527 $98 5153 117 days
23 Women's Makeup $563386 26770 $21 10559 194 days
24 Men's Sweaters $477828 12906 $37 9757 86 days
25 Men's Jeans $477523 16707 $29 10891 65 days
26 Men's Shorts $468278 20574 $23 13461 65 days
27 Kids Shirts & Tops $434446 28267 $15 15481 87 days

Sales Performance of Men's Sweaters

The category is selling at a price point slightly below the overall marketplace average revenue per sale but well above the median sale price for all categories, indicating good value for the items listed. The average days to sell (86.01) is much faster than the marketplace average of 84.22 days, showing that Men's Sweaters maintain a relatively quick turnover compared to other categories. With 12,906 items sold and over 400 sales per day, the category shows strong sales velocity but still has room to improve revenue per item.

Top Brands in Men's Sweaters on Poshmark

  1. Polo Ralph Lauren - Revenue: $32926.00
  2. Patagonia - Revenue: $17978.00
  3. J. Crew - Revenue: $16154.00

Top Sellers in Men's Sweaters on Poshmark

Here are the top-performing sellers in Men's Sweaters:

  1. oystertime1 - Revenue: $9600.00
  2. eliudgtz - Revenue: $4759.00
  3. lorislistingsny - Revenue: $2138.00

Recommendation 👍

Men's Sweaters are performing well with a solid turnover rate and competitive average sale price. It ranks #9 in revenue, showing strong demand. The average days to sell are significantly faster than the marketplace average, which is a positive indicator. However, the category could improve by closing the gap in average revenue per sale compared to the overall marketplace.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should consider strategies to increase the average sale price, such as bundling sweaters with related items or highlighting premium brands. Additionally, focusing on optimizing listings with high-quality photos and detailed descriptions may help attract buyers willing to pay more. Offering discounts on slower-moving items could further improve turnover.

Categories related to Men's Sweaters

  1. Men's Shoes - Revenue: $2720330
  2. Men's Shirts - Revenue: $2478211
  3. Men's Accessories - Revenue: $1249910
  4. Men's Jackets & Coats - Revenue: $1162813
  5. Men's Pants - Revenue: $771363
  6. Men's Bags - Revenue: $640237
  7. Men's Sweaters - Revenue: $477828
  8. Men's Jeans - Revenue: $477523
  9. Men's Shorts - Revenue: $468278
  10. Men's Suits & Blazers - Revenue: $233258
  11. Men's Other - Revenue: $127949
  12. Men's Underwear & Socks - Revenue: $86354
  13. Men's Swim - Revenue: $78658
  14. Men's Grooming - Revenue: $16792

Top Subcategories in Men's Sweaters

  1. Men's Crewneck Sweaters - Revenue: $160766
  2. Men's Zip Up Sweaters - Revenue: $76751
  3. Men's Cardigan Sweaters - Revenue: $45813
See all categories
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