How well Kids Tees - Short Sleeve Shirts & Tops sell on Poshmark

Kids Tees on Poshmark: $71,672 revenue, 5602 items sold, $12.79 avg price. Compare to marketplace averages.

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Key Statistics for Kids Tees - Short Sleeve Shirts & Tops

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #155
  • Total Revenue: $71672.0
  • Items Sold: 5602
  • Average Sale Price: $12.79
  • Unique Sellers: 3806
  • Average Sales Per Day: 180.71
  • Average Days to Sell: 88.64 days

Overview of Kids Tees - Short Sleeve Shirts & Tops

The Kids Tees - Short Sleeve Shirts & Tops category generated $71,672 in revenue from 5602 items sold, with an average sale price of $12.79.

Market Position of Kids Tees - Short Sleeve Shirts & Tops

Ranked #29 in revenue, this category's performance is lower than the marketplace average revenue per sale of $39.74 and median sale price of $23. It indicates a high volume but low price point.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
152 Home Sheets $73619 1611 $46 1075 126 days
153 Women's Tools $73522 1063 $69 928 103 days
154 Men's Ties $72435 2517 $29 1726 130 days
155 Kids Tees - Short Sleeve Shirts & Tops $71672 5602 $13 3806 89 days
156 Home Duvet Covers $71316 954 $75 637 91 days
157 Men's Cargo Pants $70821 2417 $29 2019 49 days
158 Home Coffee & Tea Accessories $70334 2675 $26 2132 103 days

Sales Performance of Kids Tees - Short Sleeve Shirts & Tops

Average sales per day are 180.71, and it takes about 88.64 days to sell an item compared to the marketplace average of 84.22 days. This suggests a slightly longer turnover time but consistent daily sales.

Top Brands in Kids Tees - Short Sleeve Shirts & Tops on Poshmark

  1. Nike - Revenue: $6438.00
  2. Under Armour - Revenue: $5246.00
  3. Polo Ralph Lauren - Revenue: $2464.00

Top Sellers in Kids Tees - Short Sleeve Shirts & Tops on Poshmark

Here are the top-performing sellers in Kids Tees - Short Sleeve Shirts & Tops:

  1. alexistexas33 - Revenue: $358.00
  2. kbowie2011 - Revenue: $293.00
  3. miademeo - Revenue: $239.00

Recommendation 👌

While the category has a high volume of sales, the average sale price is significantly lower than the marketplace average. The longer average days to sell indicates a potential need for improved pricing or marketing strategies.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should consider enhancing product descriptions and images, offering bundle deals, and competitive pricing to increase turnover rates and potentially raise the average sale price.

Top Categories in Kids

  1. Kids Shoes - Revenue: $771621
  2. Kids Shirts & Tops - Revenue: $434446
  3. Kids Jackets & Coats - Revenue: $372458

Related Subcategories to Kids Tees - Short Sleeve Shirts & Tops

  1. Kids Sweatshirts & Hoodies - Revenue: $95645
  2. Kids Tees - Short Sleeve Shirts & Tops - Revenue: $71672
  3. Kids Sweaters - Revenue: $64185
  4. Kids Tees - Long Sleeve Shirts & Tops - Revenue: $47010
  5. Kids Jerseys - Revenue: $30746
  6. Kids Button Down Shirts - Revenue: $29038
  7. Kids Polos - Revenue: $23257
  8. Kids Blouses - Revenue: $7863
  9. Kids Tank Tops - Revenue: $7691
See all categories
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