How well Kids Sweatshirts & Hoodies sell on Poshmark

Kids Sweatshirts & Hoodies on Poshmark: $95645 revenue from 5849 items sold, avg sale price $16.35, avg days to sell 80.3.

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Key Statistics for Kids Sweatshirts & Hoodies

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #129
  • Total Revenue: $95645.0
  • Items Sold: 5849
  • Average Sale Price: $16.35
  • Unique Sellers: 4445
  • Average Sales Per Day: 188.68
  • Average Days to Sell: 80.3 days

Overview of Kids Sweatshirts & Hoodies

The Kids Sweatshirts & Hoodies category generated $95,645.00 in revenue with 5,849 items sold, resulting in an average sale price of $16.35. There are 4,445 unique sellers in this category, and the items take an average of 80.3 days to sell.

Market Position of Kids Sweatshirts & Hoodies

This category ranks #18 in revenue on Poshmark, indicating moderate performance. However, the average revenue per sale ($16.35) is significantly lower than the overall marketplace average ($39.74), and the median sale price is also below the marketplace median ($23).

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
126 Women's Coverups $97263 3433 $28 3051 120 days
127 Home Drinkware Dining $96617 3199 $30 2450 117 days
128 Women's Ski & Snow Jackets $95756 1248 $77 1184 86 days
129 Kids Sweatshirts & Hoodies $95645 5849 $16 4445 80 days
130 Women's Espadrilles $94259 1676 $56 1585 95 days
131 Women's Hair Accessories $91927 2842 $32 2031 110 days
132 Men's Performance Jackets $91668 1909 $48 1678 73 days

Sales Performance of Kids Sweatshirts & Hoodies

With an average of 188.68 sales per day, this category shows a steady demand. The average time to sell (80.3 days) is substantially shorter than the marketplace average (84.22 days), suggesting relatively quicker turnover. However, the low average sale price indicates that items in this category are less valuable compared to other categories.

Top Brands in Kids Sweatshirts & Hoodies on Poshmark

  1. Nike - Revenue: $9989.00
  2. Under Armour - Revenue: $5469.00
  3. Patagonia - Revenue: $5064.00

Top Sellers in Kids Sweatshirts & Hoodies on Poshmark

Here are the top-performing sellers in Kids Sweatshirts & Hoodies:

  1. cincyjames1 - Revenue: $405.00
  2. shoppelyft - Revenue: $396.00
  3. lovemeoncetwice - Revenue: $377.00

Recommendation 👌

The category shows steady demand and quicker turnover but suffers from a low average sale price and revenue per sale compared to marketplace averages.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on improving the perceived value of their items through better quality listings, enhanced product descriptions, and competitive pricing. Additionally, marketing efforts to highlight unique or high-quality items can help increase average sale prices.

Top Categories in Kids

  1. Kids Shoes - Revenue: $771621
  2. Kids Shirts & Tops - Revenue: $434446
  3. Kids Jackets & Coats - Revenue: $372458

Related Subcategories to Kids Sweatshirts & Hoodies

  1. Kids Sweatshirts & Hoodies - Revenue: $95645
  2. Kids Tees - Short Sleeve Shirts & Tops - Revenue: $71672
  3. Kids Sweaters - Revenue: $64185
  4. Kids Tees - Long Sleeve Shirts & Tops - Revenue: $47010
  5. Kids Jerseys - Revenue: $30746
  6. Kids Button Down Shirts - Revenue: $29038
  7. Kids Polos - Revenue: $23257
  8. Kids Blouses - Revenue: $7863
  9. Kids Tank Tops - Revenue: $7691
See all categories
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