How well Kids Pajama Sets sell on Poshmark

Discover insights on Kids Pajama Sets on Poshmark, from sales metrics to market trends, and enhance your reselling strategy.

Kids Pajama Sets Sales Stats on Poshmark

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #173
  • Total Revenue: $60526
  • Items Sold: 3668
  • Average Sale Price: $17
  • Unique Sellers: 2506
  • Average Sales Per Day: 118
  • Average Days to Sell: 80 days

How Kids Pajama Sets Performs on Poshmark

Kids Pajama Sets have generated a total revenue of $60,526 from 3,668 items sold. With an average sale price of $16.50 and a category rank of #173, this market presents a solid opportunity for resellers.

Positioned at #173 out of 610 categories, Kids Pajama Sets are performing reasonably well, indicating a demand for children’s sleepwear amidst a competitive landscape.

There is a growing trend towards eco-friendly and sustainable kids' clothing. Resellers should consider sourcing organic materials or eco-conscious brands to attract environmentally-conscious buyers.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
170 Electronics Digital Cameras $62384 381 $164 333 45 days
171 Electronics Smartwatches $61323 629 $97 584 52 days
172 Men's Military & Field Jackets & Coats $61085 987 $62 904 86 days
173 Kids Pajama Sets $60526 3668 $17 2506 80 days
174 Women's Hosiery & Socks $59178 3278 $18 2114 192 days
175 Women's Asymmetrical Dresses $58680 1253 $47 1184 128 days
176 Men's Slim Jeans $58004 1823 $32 1599 81 days

Kids Pajama Sets Pricing & Sales Data

The average sale price of $16.50 suggests a competitive yet accessible range for buyers. Pricing strategies should consider competitor pricing and seasonal trends, particularly during back-to-school and holiday seasons.

With an average sales rate of 118.32 items per day and an average time to sell of 80.04 days, this category shows steady demand. Resellers should focus on optimizing listings to improve turnover rates.

While the category ranks moderately, it faces competition from other children’s apparel categories. Resellers must leverage unique selling propositions to stand out.

Top Performing Brands

  1. Hanna Andersson - Revenue: $14039.00
  2. Little Sleepies - Revenue: $12114.00
  3. Carter's - Revenue: $3385.00

Most Successful Sellers

  1. dalavamama - Revenue: $563.00
  2. maher1jm - Revenue: $495.00
  3. sami4856 - Revenue: $355.00

Should You Sell Kids Pajama Sets on Poshmark? 👍

There are 2,506 unique sellers in this category, indicating a diverse competitive environment. Sellers need to differentiate their offerings through unique styles, branding, and customer engagement.

The strong sales volume and revenue indicate a viable market for resellers, particularly for those who can differentiate their products.

Given the average sale price and consistent sales, resellers can expect a reasonable return on investment, especially during peak seasons.

Key risks include fluctuating demand, potential oversaturation in certain styles, and competition from new sellers entering the market.

Tips for Selling Kids Pajama Sets

  • 1. Optimize product listings with high-quality images and detailed descriptions to attract buyers.
  • 2. Research seasonal trends and align inventory with peak buying periods, such as holidays and back-to-school.
  • 3. Engage with buyers through promotions and bundling offers to increase sales velocity.
  • 4. Monitor competitor pricing and adjust strategies accordingly to remain competitive.
  • 5. Explore sourcing unique or niche pajama sets that cater to specific themes or preferences.

Top Categories in Kids

  1. Kids Shoes - Revenue: $752560
  2. Kids Jackets & Coats - Revenue: $449410
  3. Kids Shirts & Tops - Revenue: $407807

Related Subcategories to Kids Pajama Sets

  1. Kids Pajama Sets - Revenue: $60526
  2. Kids Sleep Sacks - Revenue: $23487
  3. Kids Nightgowns - Revenue: $5226
See all categories
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