How well Ulla Johnson sells on Poshmark

Ulla Johnson on Poshmark: $105k revenue, 1039 items sold, $101.51 avg price, 882 sellers, 42.37 days to sell. Ranked 133.

Key Statistics for Ulla Johnson

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #133
  • Total Revenue: $105473
  • Items Sold: 1039
  • Average Sale Price: $102
  • Unique Sellers: 882
  • Average Sales Per Day: 34
  • Average Days to Sell: 42 days

Overview of Ulla Johnson

Ulla Johnson generated $105,473.00 in revenue last month, with 1039 items sold at an average price of $101.51. The brand had 882 unique sellers and took an average of 42.37 days to sell items.

Market Position of Ulla Johnson

Ulla Johnson ranks 133rd in the marketplace, significantly outperforming the average revenue per sale of $39.74 and the median sale price of $23. The brand also demonstrates a quicker turnover compared to the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours (approx. 84.22 days).

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
130 Vera Bradley $110580 4648 $24 3431 82 days
131 Juicy Couture $106272 2827 $38 2011 13 days
132 Banana Republic $105965 4535 $23 3733 9 days
133 Ulla Johnson $105473 1039 $102 882 42 days
134 Michael Michael Kors $105182 3047 $35 2579 16 days
135 Tom Ford $104552 896 $117 719 36 days
136 Steve Madden $104272 3503 $30 3041 13 days

Sales Performance of Ulla Johnson

With a total revenue of $105,473.00 and 1039 items sold, Ulla Johnson's average price per item is $101.51, which is much higher than the marketplace average. The brand sold an average of 33.52 items per day and took 42.37 days to sell, indicating a healthy demand and relatively quick sales cycle compared to the marketplace average.

Top Sellers of Ulla Johnson on Poshmark

The top sellers for Ulla Johnson last month were greycherry ($1598.00), ssm90 ($1371.00), and stylist_d ($1327.00). These sellers significantly contributed to the brand's high revenue. Their success can likely be attributed to effective pricing strategies, quality listings, and possibly strong seller reputations.

Top Sellers List

  1. greycherry - Revenue: $1598.00
  2. ssm90 - Revenue: $1371.00
  3. stylist_d - Revenue: $1327.00

Recommendation 👍

Ulla Johnson shows strong performance with high average sale prices, quicker turnover, and significant revenue generation compared to the marketplace averages.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on maintaining high-quality listings and competitive pricing strategies. Leveraging strong reputations and customer service can further enhance sales. Additionally, promoting new items and leveraging social media could help in sustaining and growing the brand's performance on Poshmark.

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