How well Women's Items sell on Poshmark

Women's Items on Poshmark lead with $67.95M in revenue, $42.33 avg sale price, and 137.51 days to sell, outperforming marketplace averages.

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Key Statistics for Women's Items

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #1
  • Total Revenue: $67946617.0
  • Items Sold: 1605089
  • Average Sale Price: $42.33
  • Unique Sellers: 829003
  • Average Sales Per Day: 1569.0
  • Average Days to Sell: 137.51 days

Overview of Women's Items

Women's Items category generated $67,946,617 in revenue with 1,605,089 items sold at an average sale price of $42.33. The category is the top revenue earner on Poshmark, outperforming the marketplace average revenue per sale of $39.74 and median sale price of $23. Items took an average of 137.51 days to sell, notably faster than the marketplace average of 84.22 days (2021.17 hours).

Market Position of Women's Items

Women's Items hold the #1 revenue rank on Poshmark, demonstrating strong demand and pricing power. The higher average sale price compared to marketplace averages suggests a premium perception for women's fashion items. The faster sell-through time positions Women's Items as a top-performing category both in revenue generation and inventory turnover.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
1 Women's Items $67946617 1605089 $42 829003 138 days
2 Men's Items $10990806 289141 $38 170578 93 days
3 Kids Items $3297792 167369 $20 106450 112 days
4 Home Items $2168924 69030 $31 45320 166 days

Sales Performance of Women's Items

With 1,605,089 items sold and an average sale price of $42.33, Women's Items outperform the marketplace average sale price of $39.74 and median price of $23. The category also has a quicker average sales cycle, taking 137.51 days to sell compared to the marketplace average of 84.22 days. The robust revenue growth and faster inventory turnover indicate that Women's Items are highly liquid and in demand, despite the relatively high competition from 829,003 unique sellers.

Recommendation 👍

Women's Items are outperforming the marketplace in both average sale price and sell-through time. The category's strong revenue performance and high demand make it a favorable segment for sellers. Despite competition, the quicker turnover and premium pricing potential offer opportunities for consistent sales.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on maintaining competitive pricing, optimizing product listings with high-quality images, and offering trending or premium items to capitalize on the high demand. Additionally, sellers could leverage promotions or bundling strategies to further reduce days to sell and improve turnover.

Top Categories in Women's Items

  1. Women's Bags - Revenue: $12488695
  2. Women's Shoes - Revenue: $12051060
  3. Women's Dresses - Revenue: $9969351

Top Subcategories in Women's Items

  1. Women's Crossbody Bags - Revenue: $2530940
  2. Women's Midi Dresses - Revenue: $2088458
  3. Women's Shoulder Bags - Revenue: $1951304
See all categories
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