How well Men's Casual Button Down Shirts sell on Poshmark

Analysis of Men's Casual Button Down Shirts on Poshmark with total revenue of $578,664, avg sale price $24.07, avg days to sell 66.39.

Table of Contents

Key Statistics for Men's Casual Button Down Shirts

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #28
  • Total Revenue: $578664.0
  • Items Sold: 24037
  • Average Sale Price: $24.07
  • Unique Sellers: 13868
  • Average Sales Per Day: 775.39
  • Average Days to Sell: 66.39 days

Overview of Men's Casual Button Down Shirts

Men's Casual Button Down Shirts generated $578,664 from 24,037 items sold, with an average sale price of $24.07 and an average of 66.39 days to sell. There were 13,868 unique sellers.

Market Position of Men's Casual Button Down Shirts

The category ranks #28 in revenue, indicating moderate performance. The average sale price of $24.07 is slightly above Poshmark's median sale price ($23), but significantly below the average revenue per sale across all categories ($39.74). This suggests the category is affordable but may lack higher-end or premium offerings.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
25 Women's Leggings $681109 27487 $25 18160 75 days
26 Women's Crew & Scoop Necks $647785 21270 $30 15317 78 days
27 Men's Athletic Shoes $645412 12449 $52 8224 27 days
28 Men's Casual Button Down Shirts $578664 24037 $24 13868 66 days
29 Women's Tees - Short Sleeve Tops $575914 29612 $19 20594 90 days
30 Women's Backpacks $543013 8692 $62 7504 57 days
31 Men's Tees - Short Sleeve Shirts $528276 25051 $21 15424 80 days

Sales Performance of Men's Casual Button Down Shirts

With 24,037 items sold and an average of 775.39 sales per day, the category demonstrates steady demand. The average time to sell (66.39 days) is much quicker than the marketplace average (84.22 days), indicating strong turnover. However, the lower average sale price limits the total revenue potential. The large number of unique sellers (13,868) suggests a competitive market with many small-volume sellers.

Top Brands in Men's Casual Button Down Shirts on Poshmark

  1. Ralph Lauren - Revenue: $25571.00
  2. Tommy Bahama - Revenue: $24638.00
  3. Polo Ralph Lauren - Revenue: $14730.00

Top Sellers in Men's Casual Button Down Shirts on Poshmark

Here are the top-performing sellers in Men's Casual Button Down Shirts:

  1. clothingcrazy2 - Revenue: $1678.00
  2. eliudgtz - Revenue: $1522.00
  3. becauseyoucan - Revenue: $1262.00

Recommendation 👌

The category performs well in terms of sales volume and speed to sell, but the relatively low average sale price reduces overall revenue potential compared to other categories. It has moderate demand but lacks opportunities for high-priced sales.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on optimizing pricing strategies, such as bundling items or promoting higher-quality listings to raise the average sale price. Additionally, consider differentiating products with unique styles or premium material to stand out in a crowded market.

Top Categories in Men

  1. Men's Shoes - Revenue: $2720330
  2. Men's Shirts - Revenue: $2478211
  3. Men's Accessories - Revenue: $1249910

Related Subcategories to Men's Casual Button Down Shirts

  1. Men's Casual Button Down Shirts - Revenue: $578664
  2. Men's Tees - Short Sleeve Shirts - Revenue: $528276
  3. Men's Sweatshirts & Hoodies - Revenue: $423858
  4. Men's Polos - Revenue: $360471
  5. Men's Jerseys - Revenue: $147989
  6. Men's Tees - Long Sleeve Shirts - Revenue: $135142
  7. Men's Dress Shirts - Revenue: $106782
  8. Men's Tank Tops - Revenue: $28113
See all categories
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