How well Tommy Bahama sells on Poshmark

Tommy Bahama sales on Poshmark: $142,147 revenue, 5648 items sold, $25.17 average price, 4389 unique sellers, rank 99.

Key Statistics for Tommy Bahama

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #99
  • Total Revenue: $142147
  • Items Sold: 5648
  • Average Sale Price: $25
  • Unique Sellers: 4389
  • Average Sales Per Day: 182
  • Average Days to Sell: 114 days

Overview of Tommy Bahama

Tommy Bahama generated a total revenue of $142,147 last month on Poshmark, with 5648 items sold at an average price of $25.17. The brand was sold by 4389 unique sellers and had an average sales per day of 182.19 items, taking about 114.28 days on average to sell an item. The brand currently ranks 99th on the platform.

Market Position of Tommy Bahama

Tommy Bahama's average price per item ($25.17) is slightly above the median sale price across all brands ($23) but significantly lower than the average revenue per sale ($39.74). The brand's average days to sell (114.28 days) is considerably better than the marketplace average (2021.17 hours, approximately 84.2 days), indicating a relatively faster turnover.

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
96 Loewe $151907 520 $292 430 46 days
97 Rolex $149557 111 $1347 91 100 days
98 Magnolia Pearl $143325 650 $221 261 26 days
99 Tommy Bahama $142147 5648 $25 4389 114 days
100 Valentino Garavani $141136 524 $269 486 62 days
101 Crocs $140347 6554 $21 5069 23 days
102 Lulus $138421 4909 $28 3806 57 days

Sales Performance of Tommy Bahama

The brand had a strong sales performance with a total of 5648 items sold, generating $142,147 in revenue. Despite the lower average price per item compared to the marketplace average, the high volume of sales contributed to the substantial total revenue. The brand's current rank of 99 indicates a competitive position in the marketplace.

Top Sellers of Tommy Bahama on Poshmark

Top sellers for Tommy Bahama included 'isabelladressu' with $2132.00 in sales, 'xuanhangdat' with $1313.00 in sales, and 'happyeshop133' with $792.00 in sales. These top performers contributed significantly to the brand's overall revenue and indicate successful strategies in listing and pricing.

Top Sellers List

  1. isabelladressu - Revenue: $2132.00
  2. xuanhangdat - Revenue: $1313.00
  3. happyeshop133 - Revenue: $792.00

Recommendation 👍

Tommy Bahama shows a strong sales volume and better-than-average turnover times, suggesting that the brand is performing well on Poshmark.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on maintaining competitive pricing slightly above the median sale price and continue to leverage high turnover rates. Additionally, studying the strategies of top sellers like 'isabelladressu' and 'xuanhangdat' could provide insights into effective sales tactics.

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