How well Theory sells on Poshmark

Theory on Poshmark: $80,979 revenue, 1,944 items sold, $41.66 avg price, Top seller: la_via with $1,329 last month.

Key Statistics for Theory

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #176
  • Total Revenue: $80979
  • Items Sold: 1944
  • Average Sale Price: $42
  • Unique Sellers: 1659
  • Average Sales Per Day: 63
  • Average Days to Sell: 30 days

Overview of Theory

Theory generated $80,979 in revenue from 1,944 items sold last month, with an average selling price of $41.66. There were 1,659 unique sellers contributing to these sales.

Market Position of Theory

Theory's average sale price of $41.66 is above the marketplace average of $39.74 and much higher than the median sale price of $23. Theory ranks 176th overall, indicating a solid but not top-tier position.

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
173 Brighton $81820 2622 $31 1689 17 days
174 Barbour $81307 1015 $80 939 56 days
175 Columbia $81199 4027 $20 3342 12 days
176 Theory $80979 1944 $42 1659 30 days
177 Asics $79266 2020 $39 1633 22 days
178 Good American $78989 2314 $34 1967 24 days
179 Vineyard Vines $78690 3879 $20 2916 12 days

Sales Performance of Theory

With an average of 62.71 sales per day and 30.39 days to sell, Theory is performing well. The brand's average days to sell is significantly lower than the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours (approximately 84.22 days), suggesting quicker turnover.

Top Sellers of Theory on Poshmark

Top sellers like la_via ($1,329), thepicaroon ($898), and carlymei ($775) are leading the way. These sellers likely benefit from effective pricing and strong inventory management, contributing to the brand's overall success.

Top Sellers List

  1. la_via - Revenue: $1329.00
  2. thepicaroon - Revenue: $898.00
  3. carlymei - Revenue: $775.00

Recommendation 👍

Theory's above-average sale price and faster turnover rate indicate strong brand performance. The presence of multiple high-performing sellers also suggests a healthy market for Theory products.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should maintain competitive pricing strategies and aim to keep inventory fresh, as Theory items tend to sell faster than the marketplace average. Leveraging strong branding and targeting marketing efforts can further enhance sales performance.

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