How well White House Black Market sells on Poshmark

White House Black Market: $82,268 in revenue, 3,699 items sold, 1,778 unique sellers, avg price $22.24, avg days to sell 13.45.

Key Statistics for White House Black Market

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #171
  • Total Revenue: $82268
  • Items Sold: 3699
  • Average Sale Price: $22
  • Unique Sellers: 2778
  • Average Sales Per Day: 119
  • Average Days to Sell: 13 days

Overview of White House Black Market

White House Black Market generated $82,268 in revenue last month with 3,699 items sold by 2,778 unique sellers. The average sale price was $22.24, and items took an average of 13.45 days to sell. The brand ranked 171st overall.

Market Position of White House Black Market

White House Black Market's revenue per sale ($22.24) is below the overall marketplace average ($39.74). However, the median sale price is close to the overall median ($23). The average time to sell (13.45 days) is significantly shorter than the marketplace average (2021.17 hours, approximately 84.2 days), indicating high demand or efficient selling strategies.

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
168 Khaite $83283 259 $322 243 86 days
169 Arc'teryx $82902 1125 $74 1000 25 days
170 Hammitt $82761 567 $146 409 45 days
171 White House Black Market $82268 3699 $22 2778 13 days
172 Isabel Marant $82242 726 $113 704 67 days
173 Brighton $81820 2622 $31 1689 17 days
174 Barbour $81307 1015 $80 939 56 days

Sales Performance of White House Black Market

The brand's total revenue of $82,268 and 3,699 items sold indicates a relatively high volume of transactions. The average sales per day (119.32) is a strong indicator of consistent demand. However, the lower average price per sale ($22.24) compared to the marketplace average suggests either lower-priced items or more frequent discounting.

Top Sellers of White House Black Market on Poshmark

The top sellers, firstglance13 ($2,165), lululaura26 ($1,379), and brianbaker551 ($1,012), significantly contributed to the overall revenue. These sellers likely employ effective selling techniques, such as competitive pricing, high-quality listings, or well-established reputations, driving their success.

Top Sellers List

  1. firstglance13 - Revenue: $2165.00
  2. lululaura26 - Revenue: $1379.00
  3. brianbaker551 - Revenue: $1012.00

Recommendation 👍

Despite the lower average price per sale, the brand's strong sales volume and quick turnover rate indicate a healthy demand and efficient selling process.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on maintaining competitive pricing and fast shipping to capitalize on the brand's high demand. Additionally, optimizing listings with high-quality photos and detailed descriptions can attract more buyers and potentially increase the average sale price.

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