How well Prada sells on Poshmark

Prada on Poshmark: $701,628 revenue, 3922 items sold, 3212 unique sellers, ranked #10 last month.

Key Statistics for Prada

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #10
  • Total Revenue: $701628
  • Items Sold: 3922
  • Average Sale Price: $179
  • Unique Sellers: 3212
  • Average Sales Per Day: 127
  • Average Days to Sell: 66 days

Overview of Prada

Prada generated $701,628 in revenue from 3922 items, with an average price of $178.90. There were 3212 unique sellers, and the brand ranked 10th in sales.

Market Position of Prada

Prada's average sale price of $178.90 significantly exceeds the marketplace average of $39.74 and median of $23, indicating a premium position. The average days to sell is 65.61, much faster than the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours, highlighting strong demand.

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
7 Anthropologie $744823 19772 $38 11511 42 days
8 J. Crew $727306 24576 $30 14945 43 days
9 Tory Burch $725835 10871 $67 8098 33 days
10 Prada $701628 3922 $179 3212 66 days
11 Zara $654453 24467 $27 14997 43 days
12 Madewell $631148 20468 $31 12405 31 days
13 Adidas $592926 19498 $30 15238 55 days

Sales Performance of Prada

Prada's total revenue of $701,628 from 3922 items translates to an average sales per day of 126.52. The high average price per item ($178.90) and the relatively quick turnover rate (65.61 days) indicate efficient sales performance and a strong market for high-value items.

Top Sellers of Prada on Poshmark

The top sellers, justbag_net ($12196.00), elady ($7223.00), and rebag ($6888.00) show a concentration of revenue among a few sellers. Justbag_net leads significantly, suggesting effective sales strategies or inventory management.

Top Sellers List

  1. justbag_net - Revenue: $12196.00
  2. elady - Revenue: $7223.00
  3. rebag - Revenue: $6888.00

Recommendation 👍

Prada's high average sale price and quick turnover rate compared to the marketplace averages indicate a strong market demand and potential for profitability.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on maintaining high-quality listings and competitive pricing strategies. Leveraging quick turnover rates, they can optimize inventory management. Additionally, studying top sellers like justbag_net for best practices could enhance performance.

Brands with Similar Ranking

J. Crew

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  • Items Sold: 24576
  • Avg Price: $30
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Tory Burch

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  • Items Sold: 10871
  • Avg Price: $67
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  • Revenue: $654453
  • Items Sold: 24467
  • Avg Price: $27
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  • Revenue: $631148
  • Items Sold: 20468
  • Avg Price: $31
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  • Items Sold: 7299
  • Avg Price: $324
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  • Items Sold: 9368
  • Avg Price: $226
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  • Revenue: $1988036
  • Items Sold: 5162
  • Avg Price: $385
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