How well Judy Blue sells on Poshmark

Judy Blue sales on Poshmark: $92,951 revenue, 3,629 items sold, average price $25.61, 2,523 sellers, rank 155.

Key Statistics for Judy Blue

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #155
  • Total Revenue: $92951
  • Items Sold: 3629
  • Average Sale Price: $26
  • Unique Sellers: 2523
  • Average Sales Per Day: 117
  • Average Days to Sell: 13 days

Overview of Judy Blue

Judy Blue generated a total revenue of $92,951 from 3,629 items sold, with an average price of $25.61. The brand had 2,523 unique sellers and an average of 117.06 sales per day, taking on average 12.53 days to sell an item. The brand is currently ranked 155th on the platform.

Market Position of Judy Blue

Compared to the overall marketplace, Judy Blue's average revenue per sale ($25.61) is lower than the marketplace average ($39.74). However, its median sale price ($25.61) is above the marketplace median ($23). Additionally, Judy Blue items sell significantly faster (12.53 days) compared to the marketplace average (2021.17 hours).

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
152 Manolo Blahnik $95115 662 $144 606 59 days
153 We The Free $94694 2675 $35 2164 15 days
154 Talbots $93612 4465 $21 3304 11 days
155 Judy Blue $92951 3629 $26 2523 13 days
156 Prana $92407 4053 $23 3212 90 days
157 Mz Wallace $92271 845 $109 703 30 days
158 Cult Gaia $91835 523 $176 453 48 days

Sales Performance of Judy Blue

Judy Blue had a strong sales performance with 3,629 items sold, translating to an average of 117.06 sales per day. The average days to sell an item (12.53 days) is notably faster than the marketplace average, indicating high demand and quick turnover. Despite the lower average price per sale, the high volume of sales contributes to substantial monthly revenue.

Top Sellers of Judy Blue on Poshmark

The top sellers for Judy Blue were shifttothrift ($464.00), rachelyarbo ($405.00), and whitepine917 ($394.00). These sellers significantly contributed to the brand's revenue, leveraging the high demand and quick turnover characteristic of Judy Blue items. Their success could be attributed to effective pricing strategies and swift inventory management.

Top Sellers List

  1. shifttothrift - Revenue: $464.00
  2. rachelyarbo - Revenue: $405.00
  3. whitepine917 - Revenue: $394.00

Recommendation 👍

Judy Blue is performing well on Poshmark despite a lower average sale price compared to the marketplace. The high sales volume and quick turnover are strong indicators of the brand's popularity and demand.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on maintaining competitive pricing to continue driving high sales volumes. Leveraging fast-selling items can maximize revenue. Additionally, sellers can look into increasing the average sale price slightly to better align with the marketplace average, potentially boosting overall revenue.

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