How well Barbour sells on Poshmark

Barbour on Poshmark: $81307 revenue, 1015 items sold, $80.11 avg price, 939 sellers, ranked 174 last month.

Key Statistics for Barbour

The following data represents performance for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #174
  • Total Revenue: $81307
  • Items Sold: 1015
  • Average Sale Price: $80
  • Unique Sellers: 939
  • Average Sales Per Day: 33
  • Average Days to Sell: 56 days

Overview of Barbour

Barbour achieved a total revenue of $81,307 last month, with 1015 items sold at an average price of $80.11. The brand had 939 unique sellers and maintained an average sales rate of 32.74 items per day.

Market Position of Barbour

Barbour's average sale price of $80.11 significantly outperforms the overall marketplace average revenue per sale of $39.74 and median sale price of $23. The brand ranks 174 overall, indicating a strong niche presence within the marketplace.

Rank Brand Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
171 White House Black Market $82268 3699 $22 2778 13 days
172 Isabel Marant $82242 726 $113 704 67 days
173 Brighton $81820 2622 $31 1689 17 days
174 Barbour $81307 1015 $80 939 56 days
175 Columbia $81199 4027 $20 3342 12 days
176 Theory $80979 1944 $42 1659 30 days
177 Asics $79266 2020 $39 1633 22 days

Sales Performance of Barbour

The brand's total revenue of $81,307 with 1015 items sold indicates robust demand and a higher price point compared to the marketplace average. The average days to sell for Barbour items is 56.02 days, which is considerably faster than the marketplace average of 2021.17 hours (approximately 84.22 days).

Top Sellers of Barbour on Poshmark

The top sellers for Barbour last month were sersue ($854.00), my_o ($650.00), and magen_o ($517.00). These sellers contributed significantly to the brand's overall performance, highlighting the potential for high individual sales figures within this niche.

Top Sellers List

  1. sersue - Revenue: $854.00
  2. my_o - Revenue: $650.00
  3. magen_o - Revenue: $517.00

Recommendation 👍

Barbour's performance last month shows strong sales metrics, high average sale prices, and quicker turnover rates compared to the overall marketplace averages, indicating a healthy demand and profitable opportunities for sellers.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on maintaining high-quality listings and leveraging the brand's strong reputation. Consider competitive pricing strategies to stay attractive to buyers, and ensure efficient inventory management to capitalize on the faster turnover times.

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