How well Pets Dog sells on Poshmark

Pets Dog category on Poshmark has a revenue of $36,304, 1563 items sold, and an average sale price of $23.23, ranking #62 overall.

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Key Statistics for Pets Dog

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #62
  • Total Revenue: $36304
  • Items Sold: 1563
  • Average Sale Price: $23
  • Unique Sellers: 1227
  • Average Sales Per Day: 50
  • Average Days to Sell: 200 days

Overview of Pets Dog

The Pets Dog category generated $36,304 in total revenue from 1563 items sold, with an average sale price of $23.23. The average days to sell is 200.3, and the category ranks #62 in revenue.

Market Position of Pets Dog

The category has a revenue rank of #62, indicating moderate performance compared to other categories. However, the average sale price of $23.23 is below the marketplace's average of $40.38, and it also falls slightly below the median sale price of $24 across all categories. The time to sell (200.3 days) is significantly faster than the marketplace average of 83.69 days (2008.52 hours).

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
59 Electronics Video Games & Consoles $51249 989 $52 764 59 days
60 Home Wall Decor $43169 1413 $31 1070 181 days
61 Home Storage & Organization $40926 1505 $27 1240 173 days
62 Pets Dog $36304 1563 $23 1227 200 days
63 Electronics Computers, Laptops & Parts $35152 454 $77 418 148 days
64 Electronics Tablets & Accessories $34912 524 $67 486 95 days
65 Kids Swim $32230 1948 $17 1595 164 days

Sales Performance of Pets Dog

With 1563 items sold and an average sale price of $23.23, the category sees high volume but lower per-sale revenue compared to the marketplace average. The average sales per day is 50.42, indicating steady demand. The category performs exceptionally well in terms of time to sell, with items moving more than 4 times faster than the marketplace average of 2008.52 hours (83.69 days).

Top Brands in Pets Dog on Poshmark

  1. Bark - Revenue: $3129.00
  2. Disney - Revenue: $1635.00
  3. Goyard - Revenue: $1488.00

Top Sellers in Pets Dog on Poshmark

Here are the top-performing sellers in Pets Dog:

  1. saraspurlock1 - Revenue: $1488.00
  2. enghousea - Revenue: $950.00
  3. smurphlife - Revenue: $675.00

Recommendation 👌

While the category performs well in terms of sales volume and time to sell, the lower average sale price limits revenue potential. The category is competitive but needs improvement in pricing strategies to increase profitability.

Suggestions for Sellers:

Sellers should focus on increasing average sale prices by offering higher-quality or premium products. Additionally, bundling items or offering upsells could help increase revenue per transaction. Leveraging the fast sales cycle, sellers can also experiment with limited-time offers to drive quicker conversions.

Categories related to Pets Dog

  1. Pets Dog - Revenue: $36304

Top Subcategories in Pets Dog

  1. Pets Collars, Leashes & Harnesses - Revenue: $9332
  2. Pets Clothing & Accessories - Revenue: $9267
See all categories
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