How well Men's Crewneck Sweaters sell on Poshmark

Discover insights on Men's Crewneck Sweaters on Poshmark, including sales trends, average pricing, and strategies for success.

Men's Crewneck Sweaters Sales Stats on Poshmark

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #86
  • Total Revenue: $201015
  • Items Sold: 5316
  • Average Sale Price: $38
  • Unique Sellers: 4420
  • Average Sales Per Day: 171
  • Average Days to Sell: 79 days

How Men's Crewneck Sweaters Performs on Poshmark

Men's Crewneck Sweaters have generated a total revenue of $201,015.00 from 5,316 items sold, indicating a robust market presence with an average sale price of $37.81.

Ranked #86 out of 610 categories, this segment demonstrates solid demand, suggesting potential for growth within the Poshmark marketplace.

{"currentTrends":"Sustainable and vintage options are gaining traction, with buyers increasingly interested in eco-friendly materials.","futureOutlook":"As fashion trends evolve, incorporating diverse styles and colors in stock will be essential to maintain relevance and appeal."}

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
83 Women's Jean Jackets $225984 6857 $33 6325 96 days
84 Women's Platforms $212541 3513 $61 3214 83 days
85 Women's V-Necks $203622 7598 $27 6332 76 days
86 Men's Crewneck Sweaters $201015 5316 $38 4420 79 days
87 Men's Sunglasses $192522 2015 $96 1466 76 days
88 Men's Chinos & Khakis $187488 6896 $27 4898 63 days
89 Women's Lace Up Boots $175460 2689 $65 2415 73 days

Men's Crewneck Sweaters Pricing & Sales Data

{"averageSalePrice":37.81,"priceRange":"Given the average price, sweaters priced between $30 to $50 may attract buyers while still yielding a profit margin.","suggestions":"Consider pricing competitively against similar listings while offering bundled discounts to enhance appeal."}

{"averageSalesPerDay":171.48,"averageDaysToSell":79.46,"analysis":"With nearly 172 sales per day, the sales velocity is strong, though the average time to sell indicates a moderate turnover rate. Sellers should aim for optimizing listings to decrease days to sell."}

{"categoryRank":86,"comparison":"Compared to other categories, Men's Crewneck Sweaters show steady demand but are outperformed by more trendy or seasonal items. Focus on brand recognition can enhance competitiveness."}

Top Performing Brands

  1. Polo Ralph Lauren - Revenue: $14697.00
  2. J. Crew - Revenue: $11983.00
  3. Vintage - Revenue: $5774.00

Most Successful Sellers

  1. atkin1987 - Revenue: $3000.00
  2. eliudgtz - Revenue: $1590.00
  3. karamcclements - Revenue: $1299.00

Should You Sell Men's Crewneck Sweaters on Poshmark? 👍

{"uniqueSellers":4420,"competition":"A high number of unique sellers suggests a competitive landscape, requiring effective differentiation strategies such as unique branding and quality images."}

The solid revenue and sales velocity indicate a healthy market for Men's Crewneck Sweaters, making it a worthwhile investment.

With an average sale price of $37.81 and potential for higher pricing on premium or branded items, there is significant ROI potential.

Market saturation and changing fashion trends could impact sales; staying updated on consumer preferences is crucial.

Tips for Selling Men's Crewneck Sweaters

  • Optimize listings with high-quality images and detailed descriptions to enhance visibility.
  • Leverage social media and Poshmark parties to promote listings and engage with potential buyers.
  • Monitor competitor pricing and adjust your strategy to remain competitive without undercutting profit margins.
  • Diversify inventory by including unique, branded, or sustainable options to appeal to a wider audience.
  • Engage with the Poshmark community through sharing and liking other items to increase your profile's visibility.

Top Categories in Men

  1. Men's Shoes - Revenue: $2746928
  2. Men's Shirts - Revenue: $2490973
  3. Men's Jackets & Coats - Revenue: $1489558

Related Subcategories to Men's Crewneck Sweaters

  1. Men's Crewneck Sweaters - Revenue: $201015
  2. Men's Zip Up Sweaters - Revenue: $94186
  3. Men's Cardigan Sweaters - Revenue: $55667
  4. Men's V-Neck Sweaters - Revenue: $46482
  5. Men's Turtleneck Sweaters - Revenue: $11641
See all categories
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