How well Men's Jackets & Coats sell on Poshmark

Discover insights on Men's Jackets & Coats reselling on Poshmark, including sales trends, pricing, and strategies for success.

Men's Jackets & Coats Sales Stats on Poshmark

The following data represents sales data for the last month on Poshmark.

  • Revenue Rank: #13
  • Total Revenue: $1489558
  • Items Sold: 27419
  • Average Sale Price: $54
  • Unique Sellers: 19854
  • Average Sales Per Day: 884
  • Average Days to Sell: 77 days

How Men's Jackets & Coats Performs on Poshmark

The Men's Jackets & Coats category on Poshmark has generated impressive total revenue of $1,489,558 with 27,419 items sold. The average sale price stands at $54.33, indicating a solid market presence and demand.

Ranked #13 out of 101 categories, Men's Jackets & Coats demonstrates a strong positioning within the Poshmark marketplace. This category attracts a substantial number of unique sellers (19,854), suggesting robust competition and interest.

Current trends indicate a steady demand for stylish and functional men's jackets and coats, especially during seasonal transitions. Future outlooks may see growth as fashion cycles evolve and sustainability becomes a priority, with resale items gaining popularity.

Rank Category Total Revenue Items Sold Avg Sale Price Unique Sellers Avg Days to Sell
10 Women's Accessories $3014603 58020 $52 36400 117 days
11 Men's Shoes $2746928 46414 $59 28283 55 days
12 Men's Shirts $2490973 98970 $25 44304 67 days
13 Men's Jackets & Coats $1489558 27419 $54 19854 77 days
14 Women's Skirts $1402545 45627 $31 32675 92 days
15 Women's Intimates & Sleepwear $1401746 62770 $22 34821 82 days
16 Men's Accessories $1231232 23513 $52 15491 106 days

Men's Jackets & Coats Pricing & Sales Data

With an average sale price of $54.33, the pricing within this category appears to be competitive. The average price indicates a mid-range market, appealing to a wide audience. Sellers should consider pricing their items strategically to remain attractive while ensuring profitability.

An average of 884.48 sales per day indicates a high sales velocity, suggesting that items within this category move quickly. However, an average days to sell of 76.70 days points to some items taking longer to sell, indicating that inventory management and timely listings are crucial.

This category's rank at #13 signifies that while it performs well, there may be more lucrative categories. Sellers should analyze top-performing categories for cross-selling opportunities or diversification strategies.

Top Performing Brands

  1. Patagonia - Revenue: $106097.00
  2. Nike - Revenue: $47179.00
  3. Carhartt - Revenue: $42137.00

Most Successful Sellers

  1. karamcclements - Revenue: $6805.00
  2. clothingcrazy2 - Revenue: $3114.00
  3. aboutthatnight - Revenue: $2500.00

Should You Sell Men's Jackets & Coats on Poshmark? 👍

With 19,854 unique sellers, the competition is significant. This highlights the need for differentiation through branding, quality listings, and unique item offerings. Sellers must also be proactive in engaging with potential buyers to stand out in a crowded market.

The Men's Jackets & Coats category shows strong sales performance and potential for profitability, making it an attractive market for resellers.

With an average sale price of $54.33 and high sales velocity, resellers can achieve a good return on investment, particularly with strategic sourcing and pricing.

Competition is a key risk; prices could be driven down by numerous sellers. Additionally, seasonal demand fluctuations may impact sales.

Tips for Selling Men's Jackets & Coats

  • 1. Optimize listings with high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and targeted keywords to enhance visibility.
  • 2. Monitor trends and adjust inventory accordingly, focusing on seasonal items or trending styles.
  • 3. Engage with potential buyers actively through comments and offers to increase chances of sales.
  • 4. Utilize Poshmark's social features to share listings and increase reach within the community.
  • 5. Consider bundling items or offering discounts for multiple purchases to incentivize larger sales.

Categories related to Men's Jackets & Coats

  1. Men's Shoes - Revenue: $2746928
  2. Men's Shirts - Revenue: $2490973
  3. Men's Jackets & Coats - Revenue: $1489558
  4. Men's Accessories - Revenue: $1231232
  5. Men's Pants - Revenue: $783874
  6. Men's Bags - Revenue: $614146
  7. Men's Sweaters - Revenue: $587681
  8. Men's Jeans - Revenue: $510640
  9. Men's Shorts - Revenue: $356363
  10. Men's Suits & Blazers - Revenue: $239543
  11. Men's Other - Revenue: $150002
  12. Men's Underwear & Socks - Revenue: $78052
  13. Men's Swim - Revenue: $54323
  14. Men's Grooming - Revenue: $15438

Top Subcategories in Men's Jackets & Coats

  1. Men's Lightweight & Shirt Jackets - Revenue: $158892
  2. Men's Vests - Revenue: $147953
  3. Men's Bomber & Varsity Jackets & Coats - Revenue: $147121
See all categories
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